Displaying similar documents to “Inverted finite elements : a new method for solving elliptic problems in unbounded domains”

Finite element methods on non-conforming grids by penalizing the matching constraint

Eric Boillat (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


The present paper deals with a finite element approximation of partial differential equations when the domain is decomposed into sub-domains which are meshed independently. The method we obtain is never conforming because the continuity constraints on the boundary of the sub-domains are not imposed strongly but only penalized. We derive a selection rule for the penalty parameter which ensures a quasi-optimal convergence.

How to recover the gradient of linear elements on nonuniform triangulations

Ivan Hlaváček, Michal Křížek, Vladislav Pištora (1996)

Applications of Mathematics


We propose and examine a simple averaging formula for the gradient of linear finite elements in R d whose interpolation order in the L q -norm is 𝒪 ( h 2 ) for d < 2 q and nonuniform triangulations. For elliptic problems in R 2 we derive an interior superconvergence for the averaged gradient over quasiuniform triangulations. A numerical example is presented.

Mimetic finite differences for elliptic problems

Franco Brezzi, Annalisa Buffa, Konstantin Lipnikov (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


We developed a mimetic finite difference method for solving elliptic equations with tensor coefficients on polyhedral meshes. The first-order convergence estimates in a mesh-dependent H 1 norm are derived.

Some mixed finite element methods on anisotropic meshes

Mohamed Farhloul, Serge Nicaise, Luc Paquet (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


The paper deals with some mixed finite element methods on a class of anisotropic meshes based on tetrahedra and prismatic (pentahedral) elements. Anisotropic local interpolation error estimates are derived in some anisotropic weighted Sobolev spaces. As particular applications, the numerical approximation by mixed methods of the Laplace equation in domains with edges is investigated where anisotropic finite element meshes are appropriate. Optimal error estimates are obtained using some...

Stabilization methods in relaxed micromagnetism

Stefan A. Funken, Andreas Prohl (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


The magnetization of a ferromagnetic sample solves a non-convex variational problem, where its relaxation by convexifying the energy density resolves relevant macroscopic information. The numerical analysis of the relaxed model has to deal with a constrained convex but degenerated, nonlocal energy functional in mixed formulation for magnetic potential u and magnetization 𝐦 . In [C. Carstensen and A. Prohl, Numer. Math. 90 (2001) 65–99], the conforming P 1 - ( P 0 ) d -element in d = 2 , 3 spatial dimensions...