Displaying similar documents to “Infinite dimensional linear groups with a large family of G -invariant subspaces”

Linear combinations of generators in multiplicatively invariant spaces

Victoria Paternostro (2015)

Studia Mathematica


Multiplicatively invariant (MI) spaces are closed subspaces of L²(Ω, ) that are invariant under multiplication by (some) functions in L ( Ω ) ; they were first introduced by Bownik and Ross (2014). In this paper we work with MI spaces that are finitely generated. We prove that almost every set of functions constructed by taking linear combinations of the generators of a finitely generated MI space is a new set of generators for the same space, and we give necessary and sufficient conditions...

Shift-modulation invariant spaces on LCA groups

Carlos Cabrelli, Victoria Paternostro (2012)

Studia Mathematica


A (K,Λ) shift-modulation invariant space is a subspace of L²(G) that is invariant under translations along elements in K and modulations by elements in Λ. Here G is a locally compact abelian group, and K and Λ are closed subgroups of G and the dual group Ĝ, respectively. We provide a characterization of shift-modulation invariant spaces when K and Λ are uniform lattices. This extends previous results known for L ² ( d ) . We develop fiberization techniques and suitable range functions adapted...

A finite multiplicity Helson-Lowdenslager-de Branges theorem

Sneh Lata, Meghna Mittal, Dinesh Singh (2010)

Studia Mathematica


We prove two theorems. The first theorem reduces to a scalar situation the well known vector-valued generalization of the Helson-Lowdenslager theorem that characterizes the invariant subspaces of the operator of multiplication by the coordinate function z on the vector-valued Lebesgue space L²(;ℂⁿ). Our approach allows us to prove an equivalent version of the vector-valued Helson-Lowdenslager theorem in a completely scalar setting, thereby eliminating the use of range functions and partial...

The almost Daugavet property and translation-invariant subspaces

Simon Lücking (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let G be a metrizable, compact abelian group and let Λ be a subset of its dual group Ĝ. We show that C Λ ( G ) has the almost Daugavet property if and only if Λ is an infinite set, and that L ¹ Λ ( G ) has the almost Daugavet property if and only if Λ is not a Λ(1) set.

A new invariant and parametric connected sum of embeddings

A. Skopenkov (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We define an isotopy invariant of embeddings N m of manifolds into Euclidean space. This invariant together with the α-invariant of Haefliger-Wu is complete in the dimension range where the α-invariant could be incomplete. We also define parametric connected sum of certain embeddings (analogous to surgery). This allows us to obtain new completeness results for the α-invariant and the following estimation of isotopy classes of embeddings. In the piecewise-linear category, for a (3n-2m+2)-connected...

On invariant, dual invariant and absolute formulas

Andrzej Mostowski


CONTENTS Introduction..............................................................................................................................................................3 1. Lemmas concerning first order formulas.....................................................................................................5 2. Representability of recursively enumerable sets........................................................................................9 3. Simple theory of types.......................................................................................................................................10...

Stable invariant subspaces for operators on Hilbert space

John B. Conway, Don Hadwin (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


If T is a bounded operator on a separable complex Hilbert space ℋ, an invariant subspace ℳ for T is stable provided that whenever T n is a sequence of operators such that T n - T 0 , there is a sequence of subspaces n , with n in L a t T n for all n, such that P n P in the strong operator topology. If the projections converge in norm, ℳ is called a norm stable invariant subspace. This paper characterizes the stable invariant subspaces of the unilateral shift of finite multiplicity and normal operators. It also...

Automatic continuity of operators commuting with translations

J. Alaminos, J. Extremera, A. R. Villena (2006)

Studia Mathematica


Let τ X and τ Y be representations of a topological group G on Banach spaces X and Y, respectively. We investigate the continuity of the linear operators Φ: X → Y with the property that Φ τ X ( t ) = τ Y ( t ) Φ for each t ∈ G in terms of the invariant vectors in Y and the automatic continuity of the invariant linear functionals on X.

Translation invariant forms on L p ( G ) ( 1 < p < )

Jean Bourgain (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


It is shown that if G is a connected metrizable compact Abelian group and 1 < p < , any (possibly discontinuous) translation invariant linear form on L p ( G ) is a scalar multiple of the Haar measure. This result extends the theorem of G.H. Meisters and W.M. Schmidt (J. Funct. Anal. 13 (1972), 407-424) on L 2 ( G ) . Our method permits in fact to consider any superreflexive translation invariant Banach lattice on G , which is the adopted point of view. We study the representation of an element f of this invariant...

On a translation property of positive definite functions

Lars Omlor, Michael Leinert (2010)

Banach Center Publications


If G is a locally compact group with a compact invariant neighbourhood of the identity e, the following property (*) holds: For every continuous positive definite function h≥ 0 with compact support there is a constant C h > 0 such that L x h · g C h h g for every continuous positive definite g≥0, where L x is left translation by x. In [L], property (*) was stated, but the above inequality was proved for special h only. That “for one h” implies “for all h” seemed obvious, but turned out not to be obvious at...

Ulm-Kaplansky invariants of S(KG)/G

P. V. Danchev (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Let G be an infinite abelian p-group and let K be a field of the first kind with respect to p of characteristic different from p such that s p ( K ) = or s p ( K ) = 0 . The main result of the paper is the computation of the Ulm-Kaplansky functions of the factor group S(KG)/G of the normalized Sylow p-subgroup S(KG) in the group ring KG modulo G. We also characterize the basic subgroups of S(KG)/G by proving that they are isomorphic to S(KB)/B, where B is a basic subgroup of G.

Strictly singular inclusions of rearrangement invariant spaces and Rademacher spaces

Sergei V. Astashkin, Francisco L. Hernández, Evgeni M. Semenov (2009)

Studia Mathematica


If G is the closure of L in exp L₂, it is proved that the inclusion between rearrangement invariant spaces E ⊂ F is strictly singular if and only if it is disjointly strictly singular and E ⊊ G. For any Marcinkiewicz space M(φ) ⊂ G such that M(φ) is not an interpolation space between L and G it is proved that there exists another Marcinkiewicz space M(ψ) ⊊ M(φ) with the property that the M(ψ) and M(φ) norms are equivalent on the Rademacher subspace. Applications are given and a question...

Basic subgroups in modular abelian group algebras

Peter Vassilev Danchev (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Suppose F is a perfect field of c h a r F = p 0 and G is an arbitrary abelian multiplicative group with a p -basic subgroup B and p -component G p . Let F G be the group algebra with normed group of all units V ( F G ) and its Sylow p -subgroup S ( F G ) , and let I p ( F G ; B ) be the nilradical of the relative augmentation ideal I ( F G ; B ) of F G with respect to B . The main results that motivate this article are that 1 + I p ( F G ; B ) is basic in S ( F G ) , and B ( 1 + I p ( F G ; B ) ) is p -basic in V ( F G ) provided G is p -mixed. These achievements extend in some way a result of N. Nachev (1996)...

Connected transversals -- the Zassenhaus case

Tomáš Kepka, Petr Němec (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this short note, it is shown that if A , B are H -connected transversals for a finite subgroup H of an infinite group G such that the index of H in G is at least 3 and H H u H v = 1 whenever u , v G H and u v - 1 G H then A = B is a normal abelian subgroup of G .