Displaying similar documents to “Integrals and Banach spaces for finite order distributions”

A general integral

R. Estrada, J. Vindas


We define an integral, the distributional integral of functions of one real variable, that is more general than the Lebesgue and the Denjoy-Perron-Henstock-Kurzweil integrals, and which allows the integration of functions with distributional values everywhere or nearly everywhere. Our integral has the property that if f is locally distributionally integrable over the real line and ψ ∈ (ℝ) is a test function, then fψ is distributionally integrable, and the formula , ψ = ( ) - f ( x ) ψ ( x ) d x , defines a distribution...

Isomorphic and isometric copies of ( Γ ) in duals of Banach spaces and Banach lattices

Marek Wójtowicz (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let X and E be a Banach space and a real Banach lattice, respectively, and let Γ denote an infinite set. We give concise proofs of the following results: (1) The dual space X * contains an isometric copy of c 0 iff X * contains an isometric copy of , and (2) E * contains a lattice-isometric copy of c 0 ( Γ ) iff E * contains a lattice-isometric copy of ( Γ ) .

Continuity in the Alexiewicz norm

Erik Talvila (2006)

Mathematica Bohemica


If f is a Henstock-Kurzweil integrable function on the real line, the Alexiewicz norm of f is f = sup I | I f | where the supremum is taken over all intervals I . Define the translation τ x by τ x f ( y ) = f ( y - x ) . Then τ x f - f tends to 0 as x tends to 0 , i.e., f is continuous in the Alexiewicz norm. For particular functions, τ x f - f can tend to 0 arbitrarily slowly. In general, τ x f - f osc f | x | as x 0 , where osc f is the oscillation of f . It is shown that if F is a primitive of f then τ x F - F f | x | . An example shows that the function y τ x F ( y ) - F ( y ) need not be in L 1 . However, if...

Remarks on the complementability of spaces of Bochner integrable functions in spaces of vector measures

Giovanni Emmanuele (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In the paper [5] L. Drewnowski and the author proved that if X is a Banach space containing a copy of c 0 then L 1 ( μ , X ) is complemented in c a b v ( μ , X ) and conjectured that the same result is true if X is any Banach space without the Radon-Nikodym property. Recently, F. Freniche and L. Rodriguez-Piazza ([7]) disproved this conjecture, by showing that if μ is a finite measure and X is a Banach lattice not containing copies of c 0 , then L 1 ( μ , X ) is complemented in c a b v ( μ , X ) . Here, we show that the complementability of L 1 ( μ , X ) ...

On the existence of solutions of nonlinear integral equations in Banach spaces and Henstock-Kurzweil integrals

Aneta Sikorska-Nowak (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We prove some existence theorems for nonlinear integral equations of the Urysohn type x ( t ) = φ ( t ) + λ 0 a f ( t , s , x ( s ) ) d s and Volterra type x ( t ) = φ ( t ) + 0 t f ( t , s , x ( s ) ) d s , t I a = [ 0 , a ] , where f and φ are functions with values in Banach spaces. Our fundamental tools are: measures of noncompactness and properties of the Henstock-Kurzweil integral.

The Maurey extension property for Banach spaces with the Gordon-Lewis property and related structures

P. G. Casazza, N. J. Nielsen (2003)

Studia Mathematica


The main result of this paper states that if a Banach space X has the property that every bounded operator from an arbitrary subspace of X into an arbitrary Banach space of cotype 2 extends to a bounded operator on X, then every operator from X to an L₁-space factors through a Hilbert space, or equivalently B ( , X * ) = Π ( , X * ) . If in addition X has the Gaussian average property, then it is of type 2. This implies that the same conclusion holds if X has the Gordon-Lewis property (in particular X could...