Displaying similar documents to “Centralizers on prime and semiprime rings”

Some non-multiplicative properties are l -invariant

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A cardinal function ϕ (or a property 𝒫 ) is called l -invariant if for any Tychonoff spaces X and Y with C p ( X ) and C p ( Y ) linearly homeomorphic we have ϕ ( X ) = ϕ ( Y ) (or the space X has 𝒫 ( X 𝒫 ) iff Y 𝒫 ). We prove that the hereditary Lindelöf number is l -invariant as well as that there are models of Z F C in which hereditary separability is l -invariant.

F σ -absorbing sequences in hyperspaces of subcontinua

Helma Gladdines (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let 𝒟 denote a true dimension function, i.e., a dimension function such that 𝒟 ( n ) = n for all n . For a space X , we denote the hyperspace consisting of all compact connected, non-empty subsets by C ( X ) . If X is a countable infinite product of non-degenerate Peano continua, then the sequence ( 𝒟 n ( C ( X ) ) ) n = 2 is F σ -absorbing in C ( X ) . As a consequence, there is a homeomorphism h : C ( X ) Q such that for all n , h [ { A C ( X ) : 𝒟 ( A ) n + 1 } ] = B n × Q × Q × , where B denotes the pseudo boundary of the Hilbert cube Q . It follows that if X is a countable infinite product of non-degenerate...

Positive solutions for systems of generalized three-point nonlinear boundary value problems

Johnny Henderson, Sotiris K. Ntouyas, Ioannis K. Purnaras (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Values of λ are determined for which there exist positive solutions of the system of three-point boundary value problems, u ' ' + λ a ( t ) f ( v ) = 0 , v ' ' + λ b ( t ) g ( u ) = 0 , for 0 < t < 1 , and satisfying, u ( 0 ) = β u ( η ) , u ( 1 ) = α u ( η ) , v ( 0 ) = β v ( η ) , v ( 1 ) = α v ( η ) . A Guo-Krasnosel’skii fixed point theorem is applied.