Displaying similar documents to “On ( 1 , 1 ) -tensor fields on symplectic manifolds”

Linear liftings of skew symmetric tensor fields of type ( 1 , 2 ) to Weil bundles

Jacek Dębecki (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The paper contains a classification of linear liftings of skew symmetric tensor fields of type ( 1 , 2 ) on n -dimensional manifolds to tensor fields of type ( 1 , 2 ) on Weil bundles under the condition that n 3 . It complements author’s paper “Linear liftings of symmetric tensor fields of type ( 1 , 2 ) to Weil bundles” (Ann. Polon. Math. , 2007, pp. 13–27), where similar liftings of symmetric tensor fields were studied. We apply this result to generalize that of author’s paper “Affine liftings of torsion-free...

The natural operators lifting vector fields to ( J r T * ) *

Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (2000)

Archivum Mathematicum


For integers r 2 and n 2 a complete classification of all natural operators A : T | M n T ( J r T * ) * lifting vector fields to vector fields on the natural bundle ( J r T * ) * dual to r -jet prolongation J r T * of the cotangent bundle over n -manifolds is given.

Geometrical aspects of the covariant dynamics of higher order

D. Opris, I. D. Albu (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We present some geometrical aspects of a higher-order jet bundle which is considered a suitable framework for the study of higher-order dynamics in continuous media. We generalize some results obtained by A. Vondra, [7]. These results lead to a description of the geometrical dynamics of higher order generated by regular equations.