Displaying similar documents to “On near-ring ideals with ( σ , τ ) -derivation”

On skew derivations as homomorphisms or anti-homomorphisms

Mohd Arif Raza, Nadeem ur Rehman, Shuliang Huang (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let R be a prime ring with center Z and I be a nonzero ideal of R . In this manuscript, we investigate the action of skew derivation ( δ , ϕ ) of R which acts as a homomorphism or an anti-homomorphism on I . Moreover, we provide an example for semiprime case.

Generalized derivations on Lie ideals in prime rings

Basudeb Dhara, Sukhendu Kar, Sachhidananda Mondal (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let R be a prime ring with its Utumi ring of quotients U and extended centroid C . Suppose that F is a generalized derivation of R and L is a noncentral Lie ideal of R such that F ( u ) [ F ( u ) , u ] n = 0 for all u L , where n 1 is a fixed integer. Then one of the following holds: ...

On ( σ , τ ) -derivations in prime rings

Mohammad Ashraf, Nadeem-ur-Rehman (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let R be a 2-torsion free prime ring and let σ , τ be automorphisms of R . For any x , y R , set [ x , y ] σ , τ = x σ ( y ) - τ ( y ) x . Suppose that d is a ( σ , τ ) -derivation defined on R . In the present paper it is shown that ( i ) if R satisfies [ d ( x ) , x ] σ , τ = 0 , then either d = 0 or R is commutative ( i i ) if I is a nonzero ideal of R such that [ d ( x ) , d ( y ) ] = 0 , for all x , y I , and d commutes with both σ and τ , then either d = 0 or R is commutative. ( i i i ) if I is a nonzero ideal of R such that d ( x y ) = d ( y x ) , for all x , y I , and d commutes with τ , then R is commutative. Finally a related result has been obtain...

On the uniform behaviour of the Frobenius closures of ideals

K. Khashyarmanesh (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let be a proper ideal of a commutative Noetherian ring R of prime characteristic p and let Q() be the smallest positive integer m such that ( F ) [ p m ] = [ p m ] , where F is the Frobenius closure of . This paper is concerned with the question whether the set Q ( [ p m ] ) : m is bounded. We give an affirmative answer in the case that the ideal is generated by an u.s.d-sequence c₁,..., cₙ for R such that (i) the map R / j = 1 n R c j R / j = 1 n R c ² j induced by multiplication by c₁...cₙ is an R-monomorphism; (ii) for all a s s ( c j , . . . , c j ) , c₁/1,..., cₙ/1 is a R -filter...

Algebra in the superextensions of twinic groups

Taras Banakh, Volodymyr Gavrylkiv


Given a group X we study the algebraic structure of the compact right-topological semigroup λ(X) consisting of all maximal linked systems on X. This semigroup contains the semigroup β(X) of ultrafilters as a closed subsemigroup. We construct a faithful representation of the semigroup λ(X) in the semigroup ( X ) ( X ) of all self-maps of the power-set (X) and show that the image of λ(X) in ( X ) ( X ) coincides with the semigroup E n d λ ( ( X ) ) of all functions f: (X) → (X) that are equivariant, monotone and symmetric...

Symmetric and reversible properties of bi-amalgamated rings

Antonysamy Aruldoss, Chelliah Selvaraj (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let f : A B and g : A C be two ring homomorphisms and let K and K ' be two ideals of B and C , respectively, such that f - 1 ( K ) = g - 1 ( K ' ) . We investigate unipotent, symmetric and reversible properties of the bi-amalgamation ring A f , g ( K , K ' ) of A with ( B , C ) along ( K , K ' ) with respect to ( f , g ) .

A note on linear derivations

Amit Patra (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


At first we prove some results on a general polynomial derivation using few results of linear derivation. Then we study the ring of constants of a linear derivation for some rings. We know that any linear derivation is a nonsimple derivation. In the last section we find the smallest integer w > 1 such that the polynomial ring in n variables is w -differentially simple, all w derivations are nonsimple and the w derivations set contains a linear derivation.