Displaying similar documents to “On Pareto Sets in Multi-Criteria Optimization Върху паретовските множества в многокритериалната оптимизация”

Two characterizations of Pareto minima in convex multicriteria optimization

Sanjo Zlobec (1984)

Aplikace matematiky


Two conditions are given each of which is both necessary and sufficient for a point to be a global Pareto minimum. The first one is obtained by studying programs where each criterion appears as a single objective function, while the second one is given in terms of a "restricted Lagrangian". The conditions are compared with the familiar characterizations of properly efficient and weakly efficient points of Karlin and Geoffrion.

On the Optimal Allocations in Economy with Fixed Total Resources Върху оптимално разпределените дялове в икономика с фиксирани общи ресурси

Slavov, Zdravko (2012)

Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians


Здравко Д. Славов - В тази статия се разглежда математически модел на икономика с фиксирани общи ресурси, както и краен брой агенти и блага. Обсъжда се ролята на някои предположения за отношенията на предпочитание на икономическите агенти, които влияят на характеристиките на оптимално разпределените дялове. Доказва се, че множеството на оптимално разпределените дялове е свиваемо и притежава свойството на неподвижната точка. In this paper we consider a mathematical model...

LFS functions in multi-objective programming

Luka Neralić, Sanjo Zlobec (1996)

Applications of Mathematics


We find conditions, in multi-objective convex programming with nonsmooth functions, when the sets of efficient (Pareto) and properly efficient solutions coincide. This occurs, in particular, when all functions have locally flat surfaces (LFS). In the absence of the LFS property the two sets are generally different and the characterizations of efficient solutions assume an asymptotic form for problems with three or more variables. The results are applied to a problem in highway construction,...