Displaying similar documents to “Necessary and sufficient conditions for a system of eigenfunctions and associated functions of a Sturm-Liouville operator with discontinuous coefficients to possess the basis property.”

Carleman estimates for a subelliptic operator and unique continuation

Nicola Garofalo, Zhongwei Shen (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


We establish a Carleman type inequality for the subelliptic operator = Δ z + | x | 2 t 2 in n + 1 , n 2 , where z n , t . As a consequence, we show that - + V has the strong unique continuation property at points of the degeneracy manifold { ( 0 , t ) n + 1 | t } if the potential V is locally in certain L p spaces.

Two-dimensional real symmetric spaces with maximal projection constant

Bruce Chalmers, Grzegorz Lewicki (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let V be a two-dimensional real symmetric space with unit ball having 8n extreme points. Let λ(V) denote the absolute projection constant of V. We show that λ ( V ) λ ( V n ) where V n is the space whose ball is a regular 8n-polygon. Also we reprove a result of [1] and [5] which states that 4 / π = λ ( l ( 2 ) ) λ ( V ) for any two-dimensional real symmetric space V.