An approach to fixed points in product spaces.
D.S. Jaggi (1977)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique [Elektronische Ressource]
D.S. Jaggi (1977)
Publications de l'Institut Mathématique [Elektronische Ressource]
Jaroslav Peregrin (1990)
Eugenio Moggi, Amr Sabry (2004)
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications
This paper proposes an operational semantics for value recursion in the context of monadic metalanguages. Our technique for combining value recursion with computational effects works uniformly for all monads. The operational nature of our approach is related to the implementation of recursion in Scheme and its monadic version proposed by Friedman and Sabry, but it defines a different semantics and does not rely on assignments. When contrasted to the axiomatic approach proposed by Erkök...
Martin Grohe, Nicole Schweikardt (2004)
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications
We study the succinctness of monadic second-order logic and a variety of monadic fixed point logics on trees. All these languages are known to have the same expressive power on trees, but some can express the same queries much more succinctly than others. For example, we show that, under some complexity theoretic assumption, monadic second-order logic is non-elementarily more succinct than monadic least fixed point logic, which in turn is non-elementarily more succinct than monadic datalog. Succinctness...
B. Hilken, D. E. Rydeheard (1991)
Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques
Luigia Aiello, Mario Aiello, Giuseppe Attardi, Gianfranco Prini (1976)
Annales scientifiques de l'Université de Clermont. Mathématiques
Levent Erkök, John Launchbury, Andrew Moran (2002)
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications
Monads have been employed in programming languages for modeling various language features, most importantly those that involve side effects. In particular, Haskell’s IO monad provides access to I/O operations and mutable variables, without compromising referential transparency. Cyclic definitions that involve monadic computations give rise to the concept of value-recursion, where the fixed-point computation takes place only over the values, without repeating or losing effects. In this...