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Displaying similar documents to “Curves in Banach spaces which allow a C 1 , BV parametrization or a parametrization with finite convexity”

On vector functions of bounded convexity

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Mathematica Bohemica


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A note on propagation of singularities of semiconcave functions of two variables

Luděk Zajíček (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


P. Albano and P. Cannarsa proved in 1999 that, under some applicable conditions, singularities of semiconcave functions in n propagate along Lipschitz arcs. Further regularity properties of these arcs were proved by P. Cannarsa and Y. Yu in 2009. We prove that, for n = 2 , these arcs are very regular: they can be found in the form (in a suitable Cartesian coordinate system) ψ ( x ) = ( x , y 1 ( x ) - y 2 ( x ) ) , x [ 0 , α ] , where y 1 , y 2 are convex and Lipschitz on [ 0 , α ] . In other words: singularities propagate along arcs with finite turn. ...

Cauchy's residue theorem for a class of real valued functions

Branko Sarić (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let [ a , b ] be an interval in and let F be a real valued function defined at the endpoints of [ a , b ] and with a certain number of discontinuities within [ a , b ] . Assuming F to be differentiable on a set [ a , b ] E to the derivative f , where E is a subset of [ a , b ] at whose points F can take values ± or not be defined at all, we adopt the convention that F and f are equal to 0 at all points of E and show that 𝒦ℋ -vt a b f = F ( b ) - F ( a ) , where 𝒦ℋ -vt denotes the total value of the integral. The paper ends with a few examples that illustrate the...