Norm equivalence and composition operators between Bloch/Lipschitz spaces of the ball.
Clahane, Dana D., Stević, Stevo (2006)
Journal of Inequalities and Applications [electronic only]
Clahane, Dana D., Stević, Stevo (2006)
Journal of Inequalities and Applications [electronic only]
Ueki, Sei-Ichiro, Luo, Luo (2008)
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Zeng, Hong-Gang, Zhou, Ze-Hua (2010)
Journal of Inequalities and Applications [electronic only]
A. V. Harutyunyan, Wolfgang Lusky (2009)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
This work is an introduction to anisotropic spaces of holomorphic functions, which have -weight and are generalizations of Bloch spaces on a unit ball. We describe the holomorphic Bloch space in terms of the corresponding space. We establish a description of via the Bloch classes for all .
Panda, G.K., Ray, P.K. (2005)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
A. V. Harutyunyan, Wolfgang Lusky (2011)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
The -weighted Besov spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit ball in are introduced as follows. Given a function of regular variation and , a function holomorphic in is said to belong to the Besov space if where is the volume measure on and stands for the fractional derivative of . The holomorphic Besov space is described in the terms of the corresponding space. Some projection theorems and theorems on existence of the inversions of these projections are proved....
Antonio Attalienti, Michele Campiti (2002)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We define Bernstein-type operators on the half line by means of two sequences of strictly positive real numbers. After studying their approximation properties, we also establish a Voronovskaja-type result with respect to a suitable weighted norm.