Displaying similar documents to “On operators with unitary ϱ-dilations”

Complete Pick positivity and unitary invariance

Angshuman Bhattacharya, Tirthankar Bhattacharyya (2010)

Studia Mathematica


The characteristic function for a contraction is a classical complete unitary invariant devised by Sz.-Nagy and Foiaş. Just as a contraction is related to the Szegö kernel k S ( z , w ) = ( 1 - z w ̅ ) - 1 for |z|,|w| < 1, by means of ( 1 / k S ) ( T , T * ) 0 , we consider an arbitrary open connected domain Ω in ℂⁿ, a complete Pick kernel k on Ω and a tuple T = (T₁, ..., Tₙ) of commuting bounded operators on a complex separable Hilbert space ℋ such that (1/k)(T,T*) ≥ 0. For a complete Pick kernel the 1/k functional calculus makes sense...

A descriptive view of unitary group representations

Simon Thomas (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this paper, we will study the relative complexity of the unitary duals of countable groups. In particular, we will explain that if G and H are countable amenable non-type I groups, then the unitary duals of G and H are Borel isomorphic.

Unitary equivalence and decompositions of finite systems of closed densely defined operators in Hilbert spaces

Piotr Niemiec


An ideal of N-tuples of operators is a class invariant with respect to unitary equivalence which contains direct sums of arbitrary collections of its members as well as their (reduced) parts. New decomposition theorems (with respect to ideals) for N-tuples of closed densely defined linear operators acting in a common (arbitrary) Hilbert space are presented. Algebraic and order (with respect to containment) properties of the class C D D N of all unitary equivalence classes of such N-tuples...

On a binary relation between normal operators

Takateru Okayasu, Jan Stochel, Yasunori Ueda (2011)

Studia Mathematica


The main goal of this paper is to clarify the antisymmetric nature of a binary relation ≪ which is defined for normal operators A and B by: A ≪ B if there exists an operator T such that E A ( Δ ) T * E B ( Δ ) T for all Borel subset Δ of the complex plane ℂ, where E A and E B are spectral measures of A and B, respectively (the operators A and B are allowed to act in different complex Hilbert spaces). It is proved that if A ≪ B and B ≪ A, then A and B are unitarily equivalent, which shows that the relation ≪ is...

Note on the isomorphism problem for weighted unitary operators associated with a nonsingular automorphism

K. Frączek, M. Wysokińska (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We give a negative answer to a question put by Nadkarni: Let S be an ergodic, conservative and nonsingular automorphism on ( X ̃ , X ̃ , m ) . Consider the associated unitary operators on L ² ( X ̃ , X ̃ , m ) given by U ̃ S f = ( d ( m S ) / d m ) · ( f S ) and φ · U ̃ S , where φ is a cocycle of modulus one. Does spectral isomorphism of these two operators imply that φ is a coboundary? To answer it negatively, we give an example which arises from an infinite measure-preserving transformation with countable Lebesgue spectrum.

Smooth operators in the commutant of a contraction

Pascale Vitse (2003)

Studia Mathematica


For a completely non-unitary contraction T, some necessary (and, in certain cases, sufficient) conditions are found for the range of the H calculus, H ( T ) , and the commutant, T’, to contain non-zero compact operators, and for the finite rank operators of T’ to be dense in the set of compact operators of T’. A sufficient condition is given for T’ to contain non-zero operators from the Schatten-von Neumann classes S p .

The rectifiable distance in the unitary Fredholm group

Esteban Andruchow, Gabriel Larotonda (2010)

Studia Mathematica


Let U c ( ) = u: u unitary and u-1 compact stand for the unitary Fredholm group. We prove the following convexity result. Denote by d the rectifiable distance induced by the Finsler metric given by the operator norm in U c ( ) . If u , u , u U c ( ) and the geodesic β joining u₀ and u₁ in U c ( ) satisfy d ( u , β ) < π / 2 , then the map f ( s ) = d ( u , β ( s ) ) is convex for s ∈ [0,1]. In particular, the convexity radius of the geodesic balls in U c ( ) is π/4. The same convexity property holds in the p-Schatten unitary groups U p ( ) = u: u unitary and u-1 in the p-Schatten...

Young's (in)equality for compact operators

Gabriel Larotonda (2016)

Studia Mathematica


If a,b are n × n matrices, T. Ando proved that Young’s inequality is valid for their singular values: if p > 1 and 1/p + 1/q = 1, then λ k ( | a b * | ) λ k ( 1 / p | a | p + 1 / q | b | q ) for all k. Later, this result was extended to the singular values of a pair of compact operators acting on a Hilbert space by J. Erlijman, D. R. Farenick and R. Zeng. In this paper we prove that if a,b are compact operators, then equality holds in Young’s inequality if and only if | a | p = | b | q .

An inequality for local unitary Theta correspondence

Z. Gong, L. Grenié (2011)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques


Given a representation π of a local unitary group G and another local unitary group H , either the Theta correspondence provides a representation θ H ( π ) of H or we set θ H ( π ) = 0 . If G is fixed and H varies in a Witt tower, a natural question is: for which H is θ H ( π ) 0 ? For given dimension m there are exactly two isometry classes of unitary spaces that we denote H m ± . For ε { 0 , 1 } let us denote m ε ± ( π ) the minimal m of the same parity of ε such that θ H m ± ( π ) 0 , then we prove that m ε + ( π ) + m ε - ( π ) 2 n + 2 where n is the dimension of π .

A classification of projectors

Gustavo Corach, Alejandra Maestripieri, Demetrio Stojanoff (2005)

Banach Center Publications


A positive operator A and a closed subspace of a Hilbert space ℋ are called compatible if there exists a projector Q onto such that AQ = Q*A. Compatibility is shown to depend on the existence of certain decompositions of ℋ and the ranges of A and A 1 / 2 . It also depends on a certain angle between A() and the orthogonal of .

Explicit construction of a unitary double product integral

R. L. Hudson, Paul Jones (2011)

Banach Center Publications


In analogy with earlier work on the forward-backward case, we consider an explicit construction of the forward-forward double stochastic product integral ( 1 + d r ) with generator d r = λ ( d A d A - d A d A ) . The method of construction is to approximate the product integral by a discrete double product ( j , k ) m × Γ ( R m , n ( j , k ) ) = Γ ( ( j , k ) m × ( R m , n ( j , k ) ) ) of second quantised rotations R m , n ( j , k ) in different planes using the embedding of m into L²(ℝ) ⊕ L²(ℝ) in which the standard orthonormal bases of m and ℂⁿ are mapped to the orthonormal sets consisting of normalised indicator...

On operators Cauchy dual to 2-hyperexpansive operators: the unbounded case

Sameer Chavan (2011)

Studia Mathematica


The Cauchy dual operator T’, given by T ( T * T ) - 1 , provides a bounded unitary invariant for a closed left-invertible T. Hence, in some special cases, problems in the theory of unbounded Hilbert space operators can be related to similar problems in the theory of bounded Hilbert space operators. In particular, for a closed expansive T with finite-dimensional cokernel, it is shown that T admits the Cowen-Douglas decomposition if and only if T’ admits the Wold-type decomposition (see Definitions 1.1...

Multiple summing operators on l p spaces

Dumitru Popa (2014)

Studia Mathematica


We use the Maurey-Rosenthal factorization theorem to obtain a new characterization of multiple 2-summing operators on a product of l p spaces. This characterization is used to show that multiple s-summing operators on a product of l p spaces with values in a Hilbert space are characterized by the boundedness of a natural multilinear functional (1 ≤ s ≤ 2). We use these results to show that there exist many natural multiple s-summing operators T : l 4 / 3 × l 4 / 3 l such that none of the associated linear operators...

A new characterization of Anderson’s inequality in C 1 -classes

S. Mecheri (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be a separable infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space, and let ( ) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators on into itself. Let A = ( A 1 , A 2 , , A n ) , B = ( B 1 , B 2 , , B n ) be n -tuples of operators in ( ) ; we define the elementary operators Δ A , B ( ) ( ) by Δ A , B ( X ) = i = 1 n A i X B i - X . In this paper, we characterize the class of pairs of operators A , B ( ) satisfying Putnam-Fuglede’s property, i.e, the class of pairs of operators A , B ( ) such that i = 1 n B i T A i = T implies i = 1 n A i * T B i * = T for all T 𝒞 1 ( ) (trace class operators). The main result is the equivalence between this property and the...