Displaying similar documents to “Finite-time synchronization of chaotic systems with noise perturbation”

Adaptive finite-time generalized outer synchronization between two different dimensional chaotic systems with noise perturbation

Zhi-cai Ma, Jie Wu, Yong-zheng Sun (2017)



This paper is further concerned with the finite-time generalized outer synchronization between two different dimensional chaotic systems with noise perturbation via an adaptive controller. First of all, we introduce the definition of finite-time generalized outer synchronization between two different dimensional chaotic systems. Then, employing the finite-time stability theory, we design an adaptive feedback controller to realize the generalized outer synchronization between two different...

Stabilization of partially linear composite stochastic systems via stochastic Luenberger observers

Patrick Florchinger (2022)



The present paper addresses the problem of the stabilization (in the sense of exponential stability in mean square) of partially linear composite stochastic systems by means of a stochastic observer. We propose sufficient conditions for the existence of a linear feedback law depending on an estimation given by a stochastic Luenberger observer which stabilizes the system at its equilibrium state. The novelty in our approach is that all the state variables but the output can be corrupted...

Deterministic and stochastic simulations of simple genetic circuits

Ofer Biham, Nathalie Q. Balaban, Adiel Loinger, Azi Lipshtat, Hagai B. Perets (2008)

Banach Center Publications


We analyze three simple genetic circuits which involve transcriptional regulation and feedback: the autorepressor, the switch and the repressilator, that consist of one, two and three genes, respectively. Such systems are commonly simulated using rate equations, that account for the concentrations of the mRNAs and proteins produced by these genes. Rate equations are suitable when the concentrations of the relevant molecules in a cell are large and fluctuations are negligible. However,...

Attainability analysis in the problem of stochastic equilibria synthesis for nonlinear discrete systems

Irina Bashkirtseva, Lev Ryashko (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


A nonlinear discrete-time control system forced by stochastic disturbances is considered. We study the problem of synthesis of the regulator which stabilizes an equilibrium of the deterministic system and provides required scattering of random states near this equilibrium for the corresponding stochastic system. Our approach is based on the stochastic sensitivity functions technique. The necessary and important part of the examined control problem is an analysis of attainability. For...

Control of a class of chaotic systems by a stochastic delay method

Lan Zhang, Cheng Jian Zhang, Dongming Zhao (2010)



A delay stochastic method is introduced to control a certain class of chaotic systems. With the Lyapunov method, a suitable kind of controllers with multiplicative noise is designed to stabilize the chaotic state to the equilibrium point. The method is simple and can be put into practice. Numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed controllable conditions.