Displaying similar documents to “On hereditary properties of composition graphs”

Clopen graphs

Stefan Geschke (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A graph G on a topological space X as its set of vertices is clopen if the edge relation of G is a clopen subset of X² without the diagonal. We study clopen graphs on Polish spaces in terms of their finite induced subgraphs and obtain information about their cochromatic numbers. In this context we investigate modular profinite graphs, a class of graphs obtained from finite graphs by taking inverse limits. This continues the investigation of continuous colorings on Polish spaces and their...

Symmetries of embedded complete bipartite graphs

Erica Flapan, Nicole Lehle, Blake Mellor, Matt Pittluck, Xan Vongsathorn (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We characterize which automorphisms of an arbitrary complete bipartite graph K n , m can be induced by a homeomorphism of some embedding of the graph in S³.

On 2-periodic graphs of a certain graph operator

Ivan Havel, Bohdan Zelinka (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


We deal with the graph operator P o w ¯ defined to be the complement of the square of a graph: P o w ¯ ( G ) = P o w ( G ) ¯ . Motivated by one of many open problems formulated in [6] we look for graphs that are 2-periodic with respect to this operator. We describe a class of bipartite graphs possessing the above mentioned property and prove that for any m,n ≥ 6, the complete bipartite graph K m , n can be decomposed in two edge-disjoint factors from . We further show that all the incidence graphs of Desarguesian finite projective...

A Finite Characterization and Recognition of Intersection Graphs of Hypergraphs with Rank at Most 3 and Multiplicity at Most 2 in the Class of Threshold Graphs

Yury Metelsky, Kseniya Schemeleva, Frank Werner (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


We characterize the class [...] L32 L 3 2 of intersection graphs of hypergraphs with rank at most 3 and multiplicity at most 2 by means of a finite list of forbidden induced subgraphs in the class of threshold graphs. We also give an O(n)-time algorithm for the recognition of graphs from [...] L32 L 3 2 in the class of threshold graphs, where n is the number of vertices of a tested graph.

Maximal graphs with respect to hereditary properties

Izak Broere, Marietjie Frick, Gabriel Semanišin (1997)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A property of graphs is a non-empty set of graphs. A property P is called hereditary if every subgraph of any graph with property P also has property P. Let P₁, ...,Pₙ be properties of graphs. We say that a graph G has property P₁∘...∘Pₙ if the vertex set of G can be partitioned into n sets V₁, ...,Vₙ such that the subgraph of G induced by Vi has property P i ; i = 1,..., n. A hereditary property R is said to be reducible if there exist two hereditary properties P₁ and P₂ such that R =...

Stable sets for ( P , K 2 , 3 ) -free graphs

Raffaele Mosca (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


The Maximum Stable Set (MS) problem is a well known NP-hard problem. However different graph classes for which MS can be efficiently solved have been detected and the augmenting graph technique seems to be a fruitful tool to this aim. In this paper we apply a recent characterization of minimal augmenting graphs [22] to prove that MS can be solved for ( P , K 2 , 3 ) -free graphs in polynomial time, extending some known results.

Rotation and jump distances between graphs

Gary Chartrand, Heather Gavlas, Héctor Hevia, Mark A. Johnson (1997)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph H is obtained from a graph G by an edge rotation if G contains three distinct vertices u,v, and w such that uv ∈ E(G), uw ∉ E(G), and H = G-uv+uw. A graph H is obtained from a graph G by an edge jump if G contains four distinct vertices u,v,w, and x such that uv ∈ E(G), wx∉ E(G), and H = G-uv+wx. If a graph H is obtained from a graph G by a sequence of edge jumps, then G is said to be j-transformed into H. It is shown that for every two graphs G and H of the same order (at least...

On well-covered graphs of odd girth 7 or greater

Bert Randerath, Preben Dahl Vestergaard (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A maximum independent set of vertices in a graph is a set of pairwise nonadjacent vertices of largest cardinality α. Plummer [14] defined a graph to be well-covered, if every independent set is contained in a maximum independent set of G. One of the most challenging problems in this area, posed in the survey of Plummer [15], is to find a good characterization of well-covered graphs of girth 4. We examine several subclasses of well-covered graphs of girth ≥ 4 with respect to the odd girth...

Bounding the Openk-Monopoly Number of Strong Product Graphs

Dorota Kuziak, Iztok Peterin, Ismael G. Yero (2018)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph without isolated vertices and minimum degree δ, and let k ∈ 1 − ⌈δ/2⌉, . . . , ⌊δ/2⌋ be an integer. Given a set M ⊂ V, a vertex v of G is said to be k-controlled by M if [...] δM(v)≥δG(v)2+k δ M ( v ) δ G ( v ) 2 + k , where δM(v) represents the number of neighbors of v in M and δG(v) the degree of v in G. A set M is called an open k-monopoly if every vertex v of G is k-controlled by M. The minimum cardinality of any open k-monopoly is the open k-monopoly number of G. In this...

Destroying symmetry by orienting edges: complete graphs and complete bigraphs

Frank Harary, Michael S. Jacobson (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Our purpose is to introduce the concept of determining the smallest number of edges of a graph which can be oriented so that the resulting mixed graph has the trivial automorphism group. We find that this number for complete graphs is related to the number of identity oriented trees. For complete bipartite graphs K s , t , s ≤ t, this number does not always exist. We determine for s ≤ 4 the values of t for which this number does exist.

Unique factorization theorem

Peter Mihók (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A property of graphs is any class of graphs closed under isomorphism. A property of graphs is induced-hereditary and additive if it is closed under taking induced subgraphs and disjoint unions of graphs, respectively. Let ₁,₂, ...,ₙ be properties of graphs. A graph G is (₁,₂,...,ₙ)-partitionable (G has property ₁ º₂ º... ºₙ) if the vertex set V(G) of G can be partitioned into n sets V₁,V₂,..., Vₙ such that the subgraph G [ V i ] of G induced by Vi belongs to i ; i = 1,2,...,n. A property is said...

Uniquely partitionable graphs

Jozef Bucko, Marietjie Frick, Peter Mihók, Roman Vasky (1997)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let ₁,...,ₙ be properties of graphs. A (₁,...,ₙ)-partition of a graph G is a partition of the vertex set V(G) into subsets V₁, ...,Vₙ such that the subgraph G [ V i ] induced by V i has property i ; i = 1,...,n. A graph G is said to be uniquely (₁, ...,ₙ)-partitionable if G has exactly one (₁,...,ₙ)-partition. A property is called hereditary if every subgraph of every graph with property also has property . If every graph that is a disjoint union of two graphs that have property also has property...

The order of uniquely partitionable graphs

Izak Broere, Marietjie Frick, Peter Mihók (1997)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let ₁,...,ₙ be properties of graphs. A (₁,...,ₙ)-partition of a graph G is a partition V₁,...,Vₙ of V(G) such that, for each i = 1,...,n, the subgraph of G induced by V i has property i . If a graph G has a unique (₁,...,ₙ)-partition we say it is uniquely (₁,...,ₙ)-partitionable. We establish best lower bounds for the order of uniquely (₁,...,ₙ)-partitionable graphs, for various choices of ₁,...,ₙ.

Difference labelling of cacti

Martin Sonntag (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph G is a difference graph iff there exists S ⊂ IN⁺ such that G is isomorphic to the graph DG(S) = (V,E), where V = S and E = i,j:i,j ∈ V ∧ |i-j| ∈ V. It is known that trees, cycles, complete graphs, the complete bipartite graphs K n , n and K n , n - 1 , pyramids and n-sided prisms (n ≥ 4) are difference graphs (cf. [4]). Giving a special labelling algorithm, we prove that cacti with a girth of at least 6 are difference graphs, too.

On Ramsey ( K 1 , 2 , K ) -minimal graphs

Mariusz Hałuszczak (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let F be a graph and let , denote nonempty families of graphs. We write F → (,) if in any 2-coloring of edges of F with red and blue, there is a red subgraph isomorphic to some graph from G or a blue subgraph isomorphic to some graph from H. The graph F without isolated vertices is said to be a (,)-minimal graph if F → (,) and F - e not → (,) for every e ∈ E(F). We present a technique which allows to generate infinite family of (,)-minimal graphs if we know some special graphs. In particular,...

Factorizations of properties of graphs

Izak Broere, Samuel John Teboho Moagi, Peter Mihók, Roman Vasky (1999)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A property of graphs is any isomorphism closed class of simple graphs. For given properties of graphs ₁,₂,...,ₙ a vertex (₁, ₂, ...,ₙ)-partition of a graph G is a partition V₁,V₂,...,Vₙ of V(G) such that for each i = 1,2,...,n the induced subgraph G [ V i ] has property i . The class of all graphs having a vertex (₁, ₂, ...,ₙ)-partition is denoted by ₁∘₂∘...∘ₙ. A property is said to be reducible with respect to a lattice of properties of graphs if there are n ≥ 2 properties ₁,₂,...,ₙ ∈ such that...

The structure and existence of 2-factors in iterated line graphs

Michael Ferrara, Ronald J. Gould, Stephen G. Hartke (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


We prove several results about the structure of 2-factors in iterated line graphs. Specifically, we give degree conditions on G that ensure L²(G) contains a 2-factor with every possible number of cycles, and we give a sufficient condition for the existence of a 2-factor in L²(G) with all cycle lengths specified. We also give a characterization of the graphs G where L k ( G ) contains a 2-factor.

Metrically regular square of metrically regular bipartite graphs of diameter D = 7

Vladimír Vetchý (2018)

Archivum Mathematicum


The present paper deals with the spectra of powers of metrically regular graphs. We prove that there is only two tables of the parameters of an association scheme so that the corresponding metrically regular bipartite graph of diameter D = 7 (8 distinct eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix) has the metrically regular square. The results deal with the graphs of the diameter D < 7 see [8], [9] and [10].

The hull number of strong product graphs

A.P. Santhakumaran, S.V. Ullas Chandran (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


For a connected graph G with at least two vertices and S a subset of vertices, the convex hull [ S ] G is the smallest convex set containing S. The hull number h(G) is the minimum cardinality among the subsets S of V(G) with [ S ] G = V ( G ) . Upper bound for the hull number of strong product G ⊠ H of two graphs G and H is obtainted. Improved upper bounds are obtained for some class of strong product graphs. Exact values for the hull number of some special classes of strong product graphs are obtained. Graphs...

Structure of the set of all minimal total dominating functions of some classes of graphs

K. Reji Kumar, Gary MacGillivray (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


In this paper we study some of the structural properties of the set of all minimal total dominating functions ( T ) of cycles and paths and introduce the idea of function reducible graphs and function separable graphs. It is proved that a function reducible graph is a function separable graph. We shall also see how the idea of function reducibility is used to study the structure of T ( G ) for some classes of graphs.

Digraphs with isomorphic underlying and domination graphs: connected U G c ( d )

Kim A.S. Factor, Larry J. Langley (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


The domination graph of a directed graph has an edge between vertices x and y provided either (x,z) or (y,z) is an arc for every vertex z distinct from x and y. We consider directed graphs D for which the domination graph of D is isomorphic to the underlying graph of D. We demonstrate that the complement of the underlying graph must have k connected components isomorphic to complete graphs, paths, or cycles. A complete characterization of directed graphs where k = 1 is presented. ...

On traceability and 2-factors in claw-free graphs

Dalibor Fronček, Zdeněk Ryjáček, Zdzisław Skupień (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


If G is a claw-free graph of sufficiently large order n, satisfying a degree condition σₖ > n + k² - 4k + 7 (where k is an arbitrary constant), then G has a 2-factor with at most k - 1 components. As a second main result, we present classes of graphs ₁,...,₈ such that every sufficiently large connected claw-free graph satisfying degree condition σ₆(k) > n + 19 (or, as a corollary, δ(G) > (n+19)/6) either belongs to i = 1 i or is traceable.

Radio Graceful Hamming Graphs

Amanda Niedzialomski (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


For k ∈ ℤ+ and G a simple, connected graph, a k-radio labeling f : V (G) → ℤ+ of G requires all pairs of distinct vertices u and v to satisfy |f(u) − f(v)| ≥ k + 1 − d(u, v). We consider k-radio labelings of G when k = diam(G). In this setting, f is injective; if f is also surjective onto {1, 2, . . . , |V (G)|}, then f is a consecutive radio labeling. Graphs that can be labeled with such a labeling are called radio graceful. In this paper, we give two results on the existence of radio...

Uniquely partitionable planar graphs with respect to properties having a forbidden tree

Jozef Bucko, Jaroslav Ivančo (1999)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


Let ₁, ₂ be graph properties. A vertex (₁,₂)-partition of a graph G is a partition V₁,V₂ of V(G) such that for i = 1,2 the induced subgraph G [ V i ] has the property i . A property ℜ = ₁∘₂ is defined to be the set of all graphs having a vertex (₁,₂)-partition. A graph G ∈ ₁∘₂ is said to be uniquely (₁,₂)-partitionable if G has exactly one vertex (₁,₂)-partition. In this note, we show the existence of uniquely partitionable planar graphs with respect to hereditary additive properties having a...