Displaying similar documents to “Topological disjointness from entropy zero systems”

On some nonlinear nonhomogeneous elliptic unilateral problems involving noncontrollable lower order terms with measure right hand side

C. Yazough, E. Azroul, H. Redwane (2013)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We prove the existence of entropy solutions to unilateral problems associated to equations of the type A u - d i v ( ϕ ( u ) ) = μ L ¹ ( Ω ) + W - 1 , p ' ( · ) ( Ω ) , where A is a Leray-Lions operator acting from W 1 , p ( · ) ( Ω ) into its dual W - 1 , p ( · ) ( Ω ) and ϕ C ( , N ) .

Interaction between cellularity of Alexandroff spaces and entropy of generalized shift maps

Fatemah Ayatollah Zadeh Shirazi, Sahar Karimzadeh Dolatabad, Sara Shamloo (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In the following text for a discrete finite nonempty set K and a self-map ϕ : X X we investigate interaction between different entropies of generalized shift σ ϕ : K X K X , ( x α ) α X ( x ϕ ( α ) ) α X and cellularities of some Alexandroff topologies on X .

ε-Entropy and moduli of smoothness in L p -spaces

A. Kamont (1992)

Studia Mathematica


The asymptotic behaviour of ε-entropy of classes of Lipschitz functions in L p ( d ) is obtained. Moreover, the asymptotics of ε-entropy of classes of Lipschitz functions in L p ( d ) whose tail function decreases as O ( λ - γ ) is obtained. In case p = 1 the relation between the ε-entropy of a given class of probability densities on d and the minimax risk for that class is discussed.

On the directional entropy of ℤ²-actions generated by cellular automata

M. Courbage, B. Kamiński (2002)

Studia Mathematica


We show that for any cellular automaton (CA) ℤ²-action Φ on the space of all doubly infinite sequences with values in a finite set A, determined by an automaton rule F = F [ l , r ] , l,r ∈ ℤ, l ≤ r, and any Φ-invariant Borel probability measure, the directional entropy h v ( Φ ) , v⃗= (x,y) ∈ ℝ², is bounded above by m a x ( | z l | , | z r | ) l o g A if z l z r 0 and by | z r - z l | in the opposite case, where z l = x + l y , z r = x + r y . We also show that in the class of permutative CA-actions the bounds are attained if the measure considered is uniform Bernoulli.

On the joint entropy of d -wise-independent variables

Dmitry Gavinsky, Pavel Pudlák (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


How low can the joint entropy of n d -wise independent (for d 2 ) discrete random variables be, subject to given constraints on the individual distributions (say, no value may be taken by a variable with probability greater than p , for p < 1 )? This question has been posed and partially answered in a recent work of Babai [Entropy versus pairwise independence (preliminary version), http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/ laci/papers/13augEntropy.pdf, 2013]. In this paper we improve some...

Measures of maximal entropy for random β -expansions

Karma Dajani, Martijn de Vries (2005)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let β > 1 be a non-integer. We consider β -expansions of the form i = 1 d i / β i , where the digits ( d i ) i 1 are generated by means of a Borel map K β defined on { 0 , 1 } × [ 0 , β / ( β 1 ) ] . We show that K β has a unique mixing measure ν β of maximal entropy with marginal measure an infinite convolution of Bernoulli measures. Furthermore, under the measure ν β the digits ( d i ) i 1 form a uniform Bernoulli process. In case 1 has a finite greedy expansion with positive coefficients, the measure of maximal entropy is Markov. We also discuss the uniqueness...

Invariant densities for random β -expansions

Karma Dajani, Martijn de Vries (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let β > 1 be a non-integer. We consider expansions of the form i = 1 d i / β i , where the digits ( d i ) i 1 are generated by means of a Borel map K β defined on { 0 , 1 } × [ 0 , β ( β 1 ) ] . We show existence and uniqueness of a K β -invariant probability measure, absolutely continuous with respect to m p λ , where m p is the Bernoulli measure on { 0 , 1 } with parameter p ( 0 < p < 1 ) and λ is the normalized Lebesgue measure on [ 0 , β ( β 1 ) ] . Furthermore, this measure is of the form m p μ β , p , where μ β , p is equivalent to λ . We prove that the measure of maximal entropy and m p λ are mutually...

Hyperbolic measure of maximal entropy for generic rational maps of k

Gabriel Vigny (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let f be a dominant rational map of k such that there exists s &lt; k with λ s ( f ) &gt; λ l ( f ) for all l . Under mild hypotheses, we show that, for A outside a pluripolar set of Aut ( k ) , the map f A admits a hyperbolic measure of maximal entropy log λ s ( f ) with explicit bounds on the Lyapunov exponents. In particular, the result is true for polynomial maps hence for the homogeneous extension of f to k + 1 . This provides many examples where non uniform hyperbolic dynamics is established. One of the key tools is to approximate...

Minimal systems and distributionally scrambled sets

Piotr Oprocha (2012)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


In this paper we investigate numerous constructions of minimal systems from the point of view of ( 1 , 2 ) -chaos (but most of our results concern the particular cases of distributional chaos of type 1 and 2 ). We consider standard classes of systems, such as Toeplitz flows, Grillenberger K -systems or Blanchard-Kwiatkowski extensions of the Chacón flow, proving that all of them are DC2. An example of DC1 minimal system with positive topological entropy is also introduced. The above mentioned results...

Comparison of two methods for approximation of probability distributions with prescribed marginals

Albert Pérez, Milan Studený (2007)



Let P be a discrete multidimensional probability distribution over a finite set of variables N which is only partially specified by the requirement that it has prescribed given marginals { P A ; A 𝒮 } , where 𝒮 is a class of subsets of N with 𝒮 = N . The paper deals with the problem of approximating P on the basis of those given marginals. The divergence of an approximation P ^ from P is measured by the relative entropy H ( P | P ^ ) . Two methods for approximating P are compared. One of them uses formerly introduced...

Existence and nonexistence results for a class of linear and semilinear parabolic equations related to some Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities

Boumediene Abdellaoui, Eduardo Colorado, Ireneo Peral (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this work we study the problem u t div ( | x | 2 γ u ) = λ u α | x | 2 ( γ + 1 ) + f in Ω × ( 0 , T ) , u 0 in Ω × ( 0 , T ) , u = 0 on Ω × ( 0 , T ) , u ( x , 0 ) = u 0 ( x ) in Ω , Ω N ( N 2 ) is a bounded regular domain such that 0 Ω , λ > 0 , α > 0 , - < γ < ( N 2 ) / 2 , f and u 0 are positive functions such that f L 1 ( Ω × ( 0 , T ) ) and u 0 L 1 ( Ω ) . The main points under analysis are: (i) spectral instantaneous and complete blow-up related to the Harnack inequality in the case α = 1 , 1 + γ > 0 ; (ii) the nonexistence of solutions if α > 1 , 1 + γ > 0 ; (iii) a uniqueness result for weak solutions (in the distribution sense); (iv) further results on existence of weak solutions...