Proof of the Strong Subadditivity of Quantum-Mechanical Entropy
Elliott H. Lieb, Mary Beth Ruskai (1973)
Recherche Coopérative sur Programme n°25
Elliott H. Lieb, Mary Beth Ruskai (1973)
Recherche Coopérative sur Programme n°25
P. Tuyls (1998)
Banach Center Publications
Last years, the search for a good theory of quantum dynamical entropy has been very much intensified. This is not only due to its usefulness in quantum probability but mainly because it is a very promising tool for the theory of quantum chaos. Nowadays, there are several constructions which try to fulfill this need, some of which are more mathematically inspired such as CNT (Connes, Narnhofer, Thirring), and the one proposed by Voiculescu, others are more inspired by physics such as...
Thomas Hudetz (1998)
Banach Center Publications
We define a new quantum dynamical entropy for a C*-algebra automorphism with an invariant state (and for an appropriate 'approximating' subalgebra), which entropy is a 'hybrid' of the two alternative definitions by Connes, Narnhofer and Thirring resp. by Alicki and Fannes (and earlier, Lindblad). We report on this entropy's properties and on three examples.
Woo, C.H. (2000)
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]
Robert Alicki (1998)
Banach Center Publications
We construct an example of a noncommutative dynamical system defined over a two dimensional noncommutative differential manifold with two positive Lyapunov exponents equal to ln d each. This dynamical system is isomorphic to the quantum Bernoulli shift on the half-chain with the quantum dynamical entropy equal to 2 ln d. This result can be interpreted as a noncommutative analog of the isomorphism between the classical one-sided Bernoulli shift and the expanding map of the circle and...
Jakobsen, Per K., Lychagin, Valentin V. (2006)
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Dagmar Markechová (1990)
Mathematica Slovaca
Debraj Nath, P. K. Das (2011)
Banach Center Publications
In this paper we present an entropic description of quantum state obtained by interaction of one mode of quantized electromagnetic field with two two-level atoms inside a cavity, known as Tavis-Cumming model. Wehrl entropy has been calculated analytically and investigated as a function of the average value of the photon number operator. Husimi's Q function has been calculated and compared with the behaviour of the field entropy.
Bolesław Szafnicki
CONTENTSINTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................................. 5Chapter 1. PRELIMINARIES.............................................................................................................................................................. 7§ 1.1. Basic concepts of quantum mechanics.................................................................................................................................
Miguel Escobedo, Stéphane Mischler, Manuel A. Valle (2005)
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
The entropy of an ideal gas, both in the case of classical and quantum particles, is maximised when the number particle density, linear momentum and energy are fixed. The dispersion law energy to momentum is chosen as linear or quadratic, corresponding to non-relativistic or relativistic behaviour.
P. C. W. Davies (1988)
Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique
Gselmann, Eszter (2008)
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis [electronic only]