Displaying similar documents to “Quantile hedging on markets with proportional transaction costs”

Risk measures versus ruin theory for the calculation of solvency capital for long-term life insurances

Pierre Devolder, Adrien Lebègue (2016)

Dependence Modeling


The purpose of this paper is twofold. First we consider a ruin theory approach along with risk measures in order to determine the solvency capital of long-term guarantees such as life insurances or pension products. Secondly, for such products,we challenge the definition of the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) under the Solvency II (SII) regulatory framework based on a yearly viewpoint. Several methods for the calculation of the solvency capital are presented. We start our study with...

Generalized duration measures in a risk immunization setting. Implementation of the Heath-Jarrow-Morton model

Alina Kondratiuk-Janyska, Marek Kałuszka (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae


The aim of this paper is to set different lower bounds on the change of the expected net cash flow value at time H > 0 in general term structure models, referring to the studies of Fong and Vasiček (1984), Nawalkha and Chambers (1996), and Balbás and Ibáñez (1998) among others. New immunization strategies are derived with new risk measures: generalized duration and generalized M-absolute of Nawalkha and Chambers, and exponential risk measure. Furthermore, examples of specific one-factor...

Seven Proofs for the Subadditivity of Expected Shortfall

Paul Embrechts, Ruodu Wang (2015)

Dependence Modeling


Subadditivity is the key property which distinguishes the popular risk measures Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall (ES). In this paper we offer seven proofs of the subadditivity of ES, some found in the literature and some not. One of the main objectives of this paper is to provide a general guideline for instructors to teach the subadditivity of ES in a course. We discuss the merits and suggest appropriate contexts for each proof.With different proofs, different important properties...

Hedging of the European option in discrete time under transaction costs depending on time

Marek Andrzej Kociński (2010)

Applicationes Mathematicae


Hedging of the European option in a discrete time financial market with proportional transaction costs is considered. It is shown that for a certain class of options the set of portfolios which allow the seller to pay the claim of the buyer in quite a general discrete time market model is the same as the set of such portfolios under the assumption that the stock price movement is given by a suitable CRR model.

Robustness regions for measures of risk aggregation

Silvana M. Pesenti, Pietro Millossovich, Andreas Tsanakas (2016)

Dependence Modeling


One of risk measures’ key purposes is to consistently rank and distinguish between different risk profiles. From a practical perspective, a risk measure should also be robust, that is, insensitive to small perturbations in input assumptions. It is known in the literature [14, 39], that strong assumptions on the risk measure’s ability to distinguish between risks may lead to a lack of robustness. We address the trade-off between robustness and consistent risk ranking by specifying the...

Information, inflation, and interest

Lane P. Hughston, Andrea Macrina (2008)

Banach Center Publications


We propose a class of discrete-time stochastic models for the pricing of inflation-linked assets. The paper begins with an axiomatic scheme for asset pricing and interest rate theory in a discrete-time setting. The first axiom introduces a "risk-free" asset, and the second axiom determines the intertemporal pricing relations that hold for dividend-paying assets. The nominal and real pricing kernels, in terms of which the price index can be expressed, are then modelled by introducing...