Displaying similar documents to “A Hilbert-Mumford criterion for SL₂-actions”

A general Hilbert-Mumford criterion

Jürgen Hausen (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let a reductive group G act on an algebraic variety X . We give a Hilbert-Mumford type criterion for the construction of open G -invariant subsets V X admitting a good quotient by G .

On complete orbit spaces of SL(2) actions, II

Andrzej Białynicki-Birula, Joanna Święcicka (1992)

Colloquium Mathematicae


The aim of this paper is to extend the results of [BB-Ś2] concerning geometric quotients of actions of SL(2) to the case of good quotients. Thus the results of the present paper can be applied to any action of SL(2) on a complete smooth algebraic variety, while the theorems proved in [BB-Ś2] concerned only special situations.

On weak type inequalities for rare maximal functions in ℝⁿ

A. M. Stokolos (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


The study of one-dimensional rare maximal functions was started in [4,5]. The main result in [5] was obtained with the help of some general procedure. The goal of the present article is to adapt the procedure (we call it "dyadic crystallization") to the multidimensional setting and to demonstrate that rare maximal functions have properties not better than the Strong Maximal Function.

Almost maximal topologies on groups

Yevhen Zelenyuk (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let G be a countably infinite group. We show that for every finite absolute coretract S, there is a regular left invariant topology on G whose ultrafilter semigroup is isomorphic to S. As consequences we prove that (1) there is a right maximal idempotent in βG∖G which is not strongly right maximal, and (2) for each combination of the properties of being extremally disconnected, irresolvable, and nodec, except for the combination (-,-,+), there is a corresponding regular almost maximal...