Displaying similar documents to “Directionally Euclidean structures of Banach spaces”

On a functional-analysis approach to orthogonal sequences problems.

Vladimir P. Fonf, Anatolij M. Plichko, V. V. Shevchik (2001)



Sea T un operador lineal acotado e inyectivo de un espacio de Banach X en un espacio de Hilbert H con rango denso y sea {x} ⊂ X una sucesión tal que {Tx} es ortogonal. Se estudian propiedades de {Tx} dependientes de propiedades de {x}. También se estudia la ""situación opuesta"", es decir, la acción de un operador T : H → X sobre sucesiones ortogonales.

The complemented subspace problem revisited

N. J. Kalton (2008)

Studia Mathematica


We show that if X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space in which every finite-dimensional subspace is λ-complemented with λ ≤ 2 then X is (1 + C√(λ-1))-isomorphic to a Hilbert space, where C is an absolute constant; this estimate (up to the constant C) is best possible. This answers a question of Kadets and Mityagin from 1973. We also investigate the finite-dimensional versions of the theorem.

Special symmetries of Banach spaces isomorphic to Hilbert spaces

Jarno Talponen (2010)

Studia Mathematica


We characterize Hilbert spaces among Banach spaces in terms of transitivity with respect to nicely behaved subgroups of the isometry group. For example, the following result is typical: If X is a real Banach space isomorphic to a Hilbert space and convex-transitive with respect to the isometric finite-dimensional perturbations of the identity, then X is already isometric to a Hilbert space.

Two geometric constants for operators acting on a separable Banach space.

E. Martín Peinador, E. Induráin, A. Plans Sanz de Bremond, A. A. Rodes Usan (1988)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid


The main result of this paper is the following: A separable Banach space X is reflexive if and only if the infimum of the Gelfand numbers of any bounded linear operator defined on X can be computed by means of just one sequence on nested, closed, finite codimensional subspaces with null intersection.

Almost ball remotal subspaces in Banach spaces

Tanmoy Paul (2012)

Studia Mathematica


We investigate almost ball remotal and ball remotal subspaces of Banach spaces. Several subspaces of the classical Banach spaces are identified having these properties. Some stability results for these properties are also proved.