Displaying similar documents to “Zero points of quadratic matrix polynomials”

The multiplicity of the zero at 1 of polynomials with constrained coefficients

Peter Borwein, Tamás Erdélyi, Géza Kós (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and p ≥ 1 let κ p ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≠ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L ( j = 1 n | a j | p 1/p , aj ∈ ℂ , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). For n ∈ ℕ and L > 0 let κ ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≠ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L m a x 1 j n | a j | , a j , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). We prove that there are absolute constants c₁ > 0 and c₂ > 0 such that c 1 ( n / L ) - 1 κ ( n , L ) c 2 ( n / L ) for every L ≥ 1. This complements an earlier result of the authors valid for every n ∈ ℕ and L ∈...

Polynomials with values which are powers of integers

Rachid Boumahdi, Jesse Larone (2018)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let P be a polynomial with integral coefficients. Shapiro showed that if the values of P at infinitely many blocks of consecutive integers are of the form Q ( m ) , where Q is a polynomial with integral coefficients, then P ( x ) = Q ( R ( x ) ) for some polynomial R . In this paper, we show that if the values of P at finitely many blocks of consecutive integers, each greater than a provided bound, are of the form m q where q is an integer greater than 1, then P ( x ) = ( R ( x ) ) q for some polynomial R ( x ) .

G-matrices, J -orthogonal matrices, and their sign patterns

Frank J. Hall, Miroslav Rozložník (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A real matrix A is a G-matrix if A is nonsingular and there exist nonsingular diagonal matrices D 1 and D 2 such that A - T = D 1 A D 2 , where A - T denotes the transpose of the inverse of A . Denote by J = diag ( ± 1 ) a diagonal (signature) matrix, each of whose diagonal entries is + 1 or - 1 . A nonsingular real matrix Q is called J -orthogonal if Q T J Q = J . Many connections are established between these matrices. In particular, a matrix A is a G-matrix if and only if A is diagonally (with positive diagonals) equivalent to a column permutation...

Linear preservers of rc-majorization on matrices

Mohammad Soleymani (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let A , B be n × m matrices. The concept of matrix majorization means the j th column of A is majorized by the j th column of B and this is done for all j by a doubly stochastic matrix D . We define rc-majorization that extended matrix majorization to columns and rows of matrices. Also, the linear preservers of rc-majorization will be characterized.

Coppersmith-Rivlin type inequalities and the order of vanishing of polynomials at 1


Acta Arithmetica


For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and p ≥ 1 let κ p ( n , L ) be the largest possible value of k for which there is a polynomial P ≢ 0 of the form P ( x ) = j = 0 n a j x j , | a 0 | L ( j = 1 n | a j | p ) 1 / p , a j , such that ( x - 1 ) k divides P(x). For n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and q ≥ 1 let μ q ( n , L ) be the smallest value of k for which there is a polynomial Q of degree k with complex coefficients such that | Q ( 0 ) | > 1 / L ( j = 1 n | Q ( j ) | q ) 1 / q . We find the size of κ p ( n , L ) and μ q ( n , L ) for all n ∈ ℕ, L > 0, and 1 ≤ p,q ≤ ∞. The result about μ ( n , L ) is due to Coppersmith and Rivlin, but our proof is completely different and much shorter even...

Possible isolation number of a matrix over nonnegative integers

LeRoy B. Beasley, Young Bae Jun, Seok-Zun Song (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let + be the semiring of all nonnegative integers and A an m × n matrix over + . The rank of A is the smallest k such that A can be factored as an m × k matrix times a k × n matrix. The isolation number of A is the maximum number of nonzero entries in A such that no two are in any row or any column, and no two are in a 2 × 2 submatrix of all nonzero entries. We have that the isolation number of A is a lower bound of the rank of A . For A with isolation number k , we investigate the possible values of the...

Criterion of the reality of zeros in a polynomial sequence satisfying a three-term recurrence relation

Innocent Ndikubwayo (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


This paper establishes the necessary and sufficient conditions for the reality of all the zeros in a polynomial sequence { P i } i = 1 generated by a three-term recurrence relation P i ( x ) + Q 1 ( x ) P i - 1 ( x ) + Q 2 ( x ) P i - 2 ( x ) = 0 with the standard initial conditions P 0 ( x ) = 1 , P - 1 ( x ) = 0 , where Q 1 ( x ) and Q 2 ( x ) are arbitrary real polynomials.

Computing the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of a matrix in max-min algebra

Ján Plavka (2016)



A vector x is said to be an eigenvector of a square max-min matrix A if A x = x . An eigenvector x of A is called the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of A if x 𝐗 = { x ; x ̲ x x ¯ } and y x for each eigenvector y 𝐗 . A max-min matrix A is called strongly 𝐗 -robust if the orbit x , A x , A 2 x , reaches the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector with any starting vector of 𝐗 . We suggest an O ( n 3 ) algorithm for computing the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of A and study the strong 𝐗 -robustness. The necessary and sufficient conditions for strong 𝐗 -robustness are introduced...

On the combinatorial structure of 0 / 1 -matrices representing nonobtuse simplices

Jan Brandts, Abdullah Cihangir (2019)

Applications of Mathematics


A 0 / 1 -simplex is the convex hull of n + 1 affinely independent vertices of the unit n -cube I n . It is nonobtuse if none of its dihedral angles is obtuse, and acute if additionally none of them is right. Acute 0 / 1 -simplices in I n can be represented by 0 / 1 -matrices P of size n × n whose Gramians G = P P have an inverse that is strictly diagonally dominant, with negative off-diagonal entries. In this paper, we will prove that the positive part D of the transposed inverse P - of P is doubly stochastic and has the...

On nonsingular polynomial maps of ℝ²

Nguyen Van Chau, Carlos Gutierrez (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We consider nonsingular polynomial maps F = (P,Q): ℝ² → ℝ² under the following regularity condition at infinity ( J ) : There does not exist a sequence ( p k , q k ) ² of complex singular points of F such that the imaginary parts ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) tend to (0,0), the real parts ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) tend to ∞ and F ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) ) a ² . It is shown that F is a global diffeomorphism of ℝ² if it satisfies Condition ( J ) and if, in addition, the restriction of F to every real level set P - 1 ( c ) is proper for values of |c| large enough.

Row Hadamard majorization on 𝐌 m , n

Abbas Askarizadeh, Ali Armandnejad (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


An m × n matrix R with nonnegative entries is called row stochastic if the sum of entries on every row of R is 1. Let 𝐌 m , n be the set of all m × n real matrices. For A , B 𝐌 m , n , we say that A is row Hadamard majorized by B (denoted by A R H B ) if there exists an m × n row stochastic matrix R such that A = R B , where X Y is the Hadamard product (entrywise product) of matrices X , Y 𝐌 m , n . In this paper, we consider the concept of row Hadamard majorization as a relation on 𝐌 m , n and characterize the structure of all linear operators T : 𝐌 m , n 𝐌 m , n preserving...

Factorization of CP-rank- 3 completely positive matrices

Jan Brandts, Michal Křížek (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A symmetric positive semi-definite matrix A is called completely positive if there exists a matrix B with nonnegative entries such that A = B B . If B is such a matrix with a minimal number p of columns, then p is called the cp-rank of A . In this paper we develop a finite and exact algorithm to factorize any matrix A of cp-rank 3 . Failure of this algorithm implies that A does not have cp-rank 3 . Our motivation stems from the question if there exist three nonnegative polynomials of degree at...

( 0 , 1 ) -matrices, discrepancy and preservers

LeRoy B. Beasley (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let m and n be positive integers, and let R = ( r 1 , ... , r m ) and S = ( s 1 , ... , s n ) be nonnegative integral vectors. Let A ( R , S ) be the set of all m × n ( 0 , 1 ) -matrices with row sum vector R and column vector S . Let R and S be nonincreasing, and let F ( R ) be the m × n ( 0 , 1 ) -matrix, where for each i , the i th row of F ( R , S ) consists of r i 1’s followed by ( n - r i ) 0’s. Let A A ( R , S ) . The discrepancy of A, disc ( A ) , is the number of positions in which F ( R ) has a 1 and A has a 0. In this paper we investigate linear operators mapping m × n matrices over...

Polynomials, sign patterns and Descartes' rule of signs

Vladimir Petrov Kostov (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica


By Descartes’ rule of signs, a real degree d polynomial P with all nonvanishing coefficients with c sign changes and p sign preservations in the sequence of its coefficients ( c + p = d ) has pos c positive and ¬ p negative roots, where pos c ( mod 2 ) and ¬ p ( mod 2 ) . For 1 d 3 , for every possible choice of the sequence of signs of coefficients of P (called sign pattern) and for every pair ( pos , neg ) satisfying these conditions there exists a polynomial P with exactly pos positive and exactly ¬ negative roots (all of them simple). For d 4 ...

On a generalization of the Beiter Conjecture

Bartłomiej Bzdęga (2016)

Acta Arithmetica


We prove that for every ε > 0 and every nonnegative integer w there exist primes p 1 , . . . , p w such that for n = p 1 . . . p w the height of the cyclotomic polynomial Φ n is at least ( 1 - ε ) c w M n , where M n = i = 1 w - 2 p i 2 w - 1 - i - 1 and c w is a constant depending only on w; furthermore l i m w c w 2 - w 0 . 71 . In our construction we can have p i > h ( p 1 . . . p i - 1 ) for all i = 1,...,w and any function h: ℝ₊ → ℝ₊.

The norm of the polynomial truncation operator on the unit disk and on [-1,1]

Tamás Erdélyi (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let D and ∂D denote the open unit disk and the unit circle of the complex plane, respectively. We denote by ₙ (resp. c ) the set of all polynomials of degree at most n with real (resp. complex) coefficients. We define the truncation operators Sₙ for polynomials P c of the form P ( z ) : = j = 0 n a j z j , a j C , by S ( P ) ( z ) : = j = 0 n a ̃ j z j , a ̃ j : = a j | a j | m i n | a j | , 1 (here 0/0 is interpreted as 1). We define the norms of the truncation operators by S , D r e a l : = s u p P ( m a x z D | S ( P ) ( z ) | ) / ( m a x z D | P ( z ) | ) , S , D c o m p : = s u p P c ( m a x z D | S ( P ) ( z ) | ) / ( m a x z D | P ( z ) | . Our main theorem establishes the right order of magnitude of the above norms: there is an absolute constant c₁...

On row-sum majorization

Farzaneh Akbarzadeh, Ali Armandnejad (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 𝕄 n , m be the set of all n × m real or complex matrices. For A , B 𝕄 n , m , we say that A is row-sum majorized by B (written as A rs B ) if R ( A ) R ( B ) , where R ( A ) is the row sum vector of A and is the classical majorization on n . In the present paper, the structure of all linear operators T : 𝕄 n , m 𝕄 n , m preserving or strongly preserving row-sum majorization is characterized. Also we consider the concepts of even and circulant majorization on n and then find the linear preservers of row-sum majorization of these relations on 𝕄 n , m . ...