Displaying similar documents to “A full multigrid method for semilinear elliptic equation”

Multilevel correction adaptive finite element method for semilinear elliptic equation

Qun Lin, Hehu Xie, Fei Xu (2015)

Applications of Mathematics


A type of adaptive finite element method is presented for semilinear elliptic problems based on multilevel correction scheme. The main idea of the method is to transform the semilinear elliptic equation into a sequence of linearized boundary value problems on the adaptive partitions and some semilinear elliptic problems on very low dimensional finite element spaces. Hence, solving the semilinear elliptic problem can reach almost the same efficiency as the adaptive method for the associated...

Iterations for nonlocal elliptic problems

Ewa Sylwestrzak (2004)

Banach Center Publications


Convergence of an iteration sequence for some class of nonlocal elliptic problems appearing in mathematical physics is studied.

On some elliptic boundary-value problems with discontinuous nonlinearities

Giovanni Anello (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We establish two existence results for elliptic boundary-value problems with discontinuous nonlinearities. One of them concerns implicit elliptic equations of the form ψ(-Δu) = f(x,u). We emphasize that our assumptions permit the nonlinear term f to be discontinuous with respect to the second variable at each point.

Analysis of two-level domain decomposition preconditioners based on aggregation

Marzio Sala (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


In this paper we present two-level overlapping domain decomposition preconditioners for the finite-element discretisation of elliptic problems in two and three dimensions. The computational domain is partitioned into overlapping subdomains, and a coarse space correction is added. We present an algebraic way to define the coarse space, based on the concept of aggregation. This employs a (smoothed) aggregation technique and does not require the introduction of a coarse grid. We...

Nonzero and positive solutions of a superlinear elliptic system

Mario Zuluaga Uribe (2001)

Archivum Mathematicum


In this paper we consider the existence of nonzero solutions of an undecoupling elliptic system with zero Dirichlet condition. We use Leray-Schauder Degree Theory and arguments of Measure Theory. We will show the existence of positive solutions and we give applications to biharmonic equations and the scalar case.