Displaying similar documents to “Consensus of a two-agent system with nonlinear dynamics and time-varying delay”

Delay differential systems with time-varying delay: new directions for stability theory

James Louisell (2001)



In this paper we give an example of Markus–Yamabe instability in a constant coefficient delay differential equation with time-varying delay. For all values of the range of the delay function, the characteristic function of the associated autonomous delay equation is exponentially stable. Still, the fundamental solution of the time-varying system is unbounded. We also present a modified example having absolutely continuous delay function, easily calculating the average variation of the...

Characterization of shadowing for linear autonomous delay differential equations

Mihály Pituk, John Ioannis Stavroulakis (2025)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A well-known shadowing theorem for ordinary differential equations is generalized to delay differential equations. It is shown that a linear autonomous delay differential equation is shadowable if and only if its characteristic equation has no root on the imaginary axis. The proof is based on the decomposition theory of linear delay differential equations.

Time delays in proliferation and apoptosis for solid avascular tumour

Urszula Foryś, Mikhail Kolev (2003)

Banach Center Publications


The role of time delays in solid avascular tumour growth is considered. The model is formulated in terms of a reaction-diffusion equation and mass conservation law. Two main processes are taken into account-proliferation and apoptosis. We introduce time delay first in underlying apoptosis only and then in both processes. In the absence of necrosis the model reduces to one ordinary differential equation with one discrete delay which describes the changes of tumour radius. Basic properties...

Synchronization of time-delayed systems with discontinuous coupling

Hong-jun Shi, Lian-ying Miao, Yong-zheng Sun (2017)



This paper concerns the synchronization of time-delayed systems with periodic on-off coupling. Based on the stability theory and the comparison theorem of time-delayed differential equations, sufficient conditions for complete synchronization of systems with constant delay and time-varying delay are established. Compared with the results based on the Krasovskii-Lyapunov method, the sufficient conditions established in this paper are less restrictive. The theoretical results show that...

The effect of time delay and Hopf bifurcation in a tumor-immune system competition model with negative immune response

Radouane Yafia (2009)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We consider a system of delay differential equations modelling the tumor-immune system competition with negative immune response and three positive stationary points. The dynamics of the first two positive solutions are studied in terms of the local stability. We are particularly interested in the study of the Hopf bifurcation problem to predict the occurrence and stability of a limit cycle bifurcating from the second positive stationary point, when the delay (taken as a parameter) crosses...