Displaying similar documents to “On optimal parameters involved with two-weighted estimates of commutators of singular and fractional operators with Lipschitz symbols”

Fractional multilinear integrals with rough kernels on generalized weighted Morrey spaces

Ali Akbulut, Amil Hasanov (2016)

Open Mathematics


In this paper, we study the boundedness of fractional multilinear integral operators with rough kernels [...] TΩ,αA1,A2,…,Ak, T Ω , α A 1 , A 2 , ... , A k , which is a generalization of the higher-order commutator of the rough fractional integral on the generalized weighted Morrey spaces Mp,ϕ (w). We find the sufficient conditions on the pair (ϕ1, ϕ2) with w ∈ Ap,q which ensures the boundedness of the operators [...] TΩ,αA1,A2,…,Ak, T Ω , α A 1 , A 2 , ... , A k , from [...] Mp,φ1wptoMp,φ2wq M p , ϕ 1 w p to M p , ϕ 2 w q for 1 < p < q < ∞. In all cases the conditions...

Commutators with fractional integral operators

Irina Holmes, Robert Rahm, Scott Spencer (2016)

Studia Mathematica


We investigate weighted norm inequalities for the commutator of a fractional integral operator and multiplication by a function. In particular, we show that, for μ , λ A p , q and α/n + 1/q = 1/p, the norm | | [ b , I α ] : L p ( μ p ) L q ( λ q ) | | is equivalent to the norm of b in the weighted BMO space BMO(ν), where ν = μ λ - 1 . This work extends some of the results on this topic existing in the literature, and continues a line of investigation which was initiated by Bloom in 1985 and was recently developed further by the first author, Lacey,...

Generalized Hörmander conditions and weighted endpoint estimates

María Lorente, José María Martell, Carlos Pérez, María Silvina Riveros (2009)

Studia Mathematica


We consider two-weight estimates for singular integral operators and their commutators with bounded mean oscillation functions. Hörmander type conditions in the scale of Orlicz spaces are assumed on the kernels. We prove weighted weak-type estimates for pairs of weights (u,Su) where u is an arbitrary nonnegative function and S is a maximal operator depending on the smoothness of the kernel. We also obtain sufficient conditions on a pair of weights (u,v) for the operators to be bounded...

On a Class of Fractional Type Integral Equations in Variable Exponent Spaces

Rafeiro, Humberto, Samko, Stefan (2007)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis


2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 45A05, 45B05, 45E05,45P05, 46E30 We obtain a criterion of Fredholmness and formula for the Fredholm index of a certain class of one-dimensional integral operators M with a weak singularity in the kernel, from the variable exponent Lebesgue space L^p(·) ([a, b], ?) to the Sobolev type space L^α,p(·) ([a, b], ?) of fractional smoothness. We also give formulas of closed form solutions ϕ ∈ L^p(·) of the 1st kind integral equation M0ϕ =...

Complex symmetric weighted composition operators on the Hardy space

Cao Jiang, Shi-An Han, Ze-Hua Zhou (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


This paper identifies a class of complex symmetric weighted composition operators on H 2 ( 𝔻 ) that includes both the unitary and the Hermitian weighted composition operators, as well as a class of normal weighted composition operators identified by Bourdon and Narayan. A characterization of algebraic weighted composition operators with degree no more than two is provided to illustrate that the weight function of a complex symmetric weighted composition operator is not necessarily linear fractional. ...

Essential normality for certain finite linear combinations of linear-fractional composition operators on the Hardy space H 2

Mahsa Fatehi, Bahram Khani Robati (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


In 1999 Nina Zorboska and in 2003 P. S. Bourdon, D. Levi, S. K. Narayan and J. H. Shapiro investigated the essentially normal composition operator C ϕ , when ϕ is a linear-fractional self-map of 𝔻 . In this paper first, we investigate the essential normality problem for the operator T w C ϕ on the Hardy space H 2 , where w is a bounded measurable function on 𝔻 which is continuous at each point of F ( ϕ ) , ϕ 𝒮 ( 2 ) , and T w is the Toeplitz operator with symbol w . Then we use these results and characterize the essentially...

Barenblatt solutions and asymptotic behaviour for a nonlinear fractional heat equation of porous medium type

Juan Luis Vázquez (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We establish the existence, uniqueness and main properties of the fundamental solutions for the fractional porous medium equation introduced in [51]. They are self-similar functions of the form u ( x , t ) = t α f ( | x | t β ) with suitable and β . As a main application of this construction, we prove that the asymptotic behaviour of general solutions is represented by such special solutions. Very singular solutions are also constructed. Among other interesting qualitative properties of the equation we prove an Aleksandrov...

A class of pairs of weights related to the boundedness of the Fractional Integral Operator between L p and Lipschitz spaces

Gladis Pradolini (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In [P] we characterize the pairs of weights for which the fractional integral operator I γ of order γ from a weighted Lebesgue space into a suitable weighted B M O and Lipschitz integral space is bounded. In this paper we consider other weighted Lipschitz integral spaces that contain those defined in [P], and we obtain results on pairs of weights related to the boundedness of I γ acting from weighted Lebesgue spaces into these spaces. Also, we study the properties of those classes of weights...

Embeddings of doubling weighted Besov spaces

Dorothee D. Haroske, Philipp Skandera (2014)

Banach Center Publications


We study continuous embeddings of Besov spaces of type B p , q s ( , w ) , where s ∈ ℝ, 0 < p < ∞, 0 < q ≤ ∞, and the weight w is doubling. This approach generalises recent results about embeddings of Muckenhoupt weighted Besov spaces. Our main argument relies on appropriate atomic decomposition techniques of such weighted spaces; here we benefit from earlier results by Bownik. In addition, we discuss some other related weight classes briefly and compare corresponding results.

Weighted norm inequalities for multilinear fractional operators on Morrey spaces

Takeshi Iida, Enji Sato, Yoshihiro Sawano, Hitoshi Tanaka (2011)

Studia Mathematica


A weighted theory describing Morrey boundedness of fractional integral operators and fractional maximal operators is developed. A new class of weights adapted to Morrey spaces is proposed and a passage to the multilinear cases is covered.

Trace inequalities for fractional integrals in grand Lebesgue spaces

Vakhtang Kokilashvili, Alexander Meskhi (2012)

Studia Mathematica


rning the boundedness for fractional maximal and potential operators defined on quasi-metric measure spaces from L p ) , θ ( X , μ ) to L q ) , q θ / p ( X , ν ) (trace inequality), where 1 < p < q < ∞, θ > 0 and μ satisfies the doubling condition in X. The results are new even for Euclidean spaces. For example, from our general results D. Adams-type necessary and sufficient conditions guaranteeing the trace inequality for fractional maximal functions and potentials defined on so-called s-sets in ℝⁿ follow. Trace...

Centered weighted composition operators via measure theory

Mohammad Reza Jabbarzadeh, Mehri Jafari Bakhshkandi (2018)

Mathematica Bohemica


We describe the centered weighted composition operators on L 2 ( Σ ) in terms of their defining symbols. Our characterizations extend Embry-Wardrop-Lambert’s theorem on centered composition operators.

Existence results for systems of conformable fractional differential equations

Bouharket Bendouma, Alberto Cabada, Ahmed Hammoudi (2019)

Archivum Mathematicum


In this article, we study the existence of solutions to systems of conformable fractional differential equations with periodic boundary value or initial value conditions. where the right member of the system is L α 1 -carathéodory function. We employ the method of solution-tube and Schauder’s fixed-point theorem.