Displaying similar documents to “On the generalized Drazin inverse and generalized resolvent”

Continuity of generalized inverses in Banach algebras

Steffen Roch, Bernd Silbermann (1999)

Studia Mathematica


The main topic of the paper is the continuity of several kinds of generalized inversion of elements in a Banach algebra with identity. We introduce the notion of asymptotic generalized invertibility and completely characterize sequences of elements with this property. Based on this result, we derive continuity criteria which generalize the well known criteria from operator theory.

Continuity of the Drazin inverse II

J. Koliha, V. Rakočević (1998)

Studia Mathematica


We study the continuity of the generalized Drazin inverse for elements of Banach algebras and bounded linear operators on Banach spaces. This work extends the results obtained by the second author on the conventional Drazin inverse.

Explicit solutions of infinite linear systems associated with group inverse endomorphisms

Fernando Pablos Romo (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The aim of this note is to offer an algorithm for studying solutions of infinite linear systems associated with group inverse endomorphisms. As particular results, we provide different properties of the group inverse and we characterize EP endomorphisms of arbitrary vector spaces from the coincidence of the group inverse and the Moore-Penrose inverse.

Elements of C*-algebras commuting with their Moore-Penrose inverse

J. Koliha (2000)

Studia Mathematica


We give new necessary and sufficient conditions for an element of a C*-algebra to commute with its Moore-Penrose inverse. We then study conditions which ensure that this property is preserved under multiplication. As a special case of our results we recover a recent theorem of Hartwig and Katz on EP matrices.

Positive splittings of matrices and their nonnegative Moore-Penrose inverses

Tamminana Kurmayya, Koratti C. Sivakumar (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


In this short note we study necessary and sufficient conditions for the nonnegativity of the Moore-Penrose inverse of a real matrix in terms of certain spectral property shared by all positive splittings of the given matrix.

On generalized inverses in C*-algebras

Robin Harte, Mostafa Mbekhta (1992)

Studia Mathematica


We investigate when a C*-algebra element generates a closed ideal, and discuss Moore-Penrose and commuting generalized inverses.