Displaying similar documents to “Support as an invariant for dynamical systems”

Residuality of dynamical morphisms

R. Burton, M. Keane, Jacek Serafin (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We present a unified approach to the finite generator theorem of Krieger, the homomorphism theorem of Sinai and the isomorphism theorem of Ornstein. We show that in a suitable space of measures those measures which define isomorphisms or respectively homomorphisms form residual subsets.

On measure theoretical analogues of the Takesaki structure theorem for type III factors

Alexandre Danilenko, Toshihiro Hamachi (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae


The orbit equivalence of type I I I 0 ergodic equivalence relations is considered. We show that it is equivalent to the outer conjugacy problem for the natural trace-scaling action of a countable dense ℝ-subgroup by automorphisms of the Radon-Nikodym skew product extensions of these relations. A similar result holds for the weak equivalence of arbitrary type I I I 0 cocycles with values in Abelian groups.

On subrelations of ergodic measured type III equivalence relations

Alexandre Danilenko (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We discuss the classification up to orbit equivalence of inclusions 𝑆 ⊂ ℛ of measured ergodic discrete hyperfinite equivalence relations. In the case of type III relations, the orbit equivalence classes of such inclusions of finite index are completely classified in terms of triplets consisting of a transitive permutation group G on a finite set (whose cardinality is the index of 𝑆 ⊂ ℛ), an ergodic nonsingular ℝ-flow V and a homomorphism of G to the centralizer of V.

Construction of non-constant and ergodic cocycles

Mahesh Nerurkar (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We construct continuous G-valued cocycles that are not cohomologous to any compact constant via a measurable transfer function, provided the underlying dynamical system is rigid and the range group G satisfies a certain general condition. For more general ergodic aperiodic systems, we also show that the set of continuous ergodic cocycles is residual in the class of all continuous cocycles provided the range group G is a compact connected Lie group. The first construction is based on...