Displaying similar documents to “Control a state-dependent dynamic graph to a pre-specified structure”

Control flow graphs and code coverage

Robert Gold (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The control flow of programs can be represented by directed graphs. In this paper we provide a uniform and detailed formal basis for control flow graphs combining known definitions and results with new aspects. Two graph reductions are defined using only syntactical information about the graphs, but no semantical information about the represented programs. We prove some properties of reduced graphs and also about the paths in reduced graphs. Based on graphs, we define statement coverage...

Quantized cooperative output regulation of continuous-time multi-agent systems over switching graph

Ji Ma, Bo Yang, Jiayu Qiu, Ziqin Chen, Wenfeng Hu (2024)



This paper investigates the problem of quantized cooperative output regulation of linear multi-agent systems with switching graphs. A novel dynamic encoding-decoding scheme with a finite communication bandwidth is designed. Leveraging this scheme, a distributed protocol is proposed, ensuring asymptotic convergence of the tracking error under both bounded and unbounded link failure durations. Compared with the existing quantized control work of MASs, the semi-global assumption of initial...

Leader-following consensus of multiple linear systems under switching topologies: An averaging method

Wei Ni, Xiaoli Wang, Chun Xiong (2012)



The leader-following consensus of multiple linear time invariant (LTI) systems under switching topology is considered. The leader-following consensus problem consists of designing for each agent a distributed protocol to make all agents track a leader vehicle, which has the same LTI dynamics as the agents. The interaction topology describing the information exchange of these agents is time-varying. An averaging method is proposed. Unlike the existing results in the literatures which...

Centers in line graphs

Martin Knor, Ľudovít Niepel, Ľubomír Šoltés (1993)

Mathematica Slovaca


Graph drawing in motion.

Friedrich, Carsten, Eades, Peter (2002)

Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
