Displaying similar documents to “On the C-farthest points.”

Strong proximinality and polyhedral spaces.

Gilles Godefroy, V. Indumathi (2001)

Revista Matemática Complutense


In any dual space X*, the set QP of quasi-polyhedral points is contained in the set SSD of points of strong subdifferentiability of the norm which is itself contained in the set NA of norm attaining functionals. We show that NA and SSD coincide if and only if every proximinal hyperplane of X is strongly proximinal, and that if QP and NA coincide then every finite codimensional proximinal subspace of X is strongly proximinal. Natural examples and applications are provided.

On Asplund functions

Wee-Kee Tang (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A class of convex functions where the sets of subdifferentials behave like the unit ball of the dual space of an Asplund space is found. These functions, which we called Asplund functions also possess some stability properties. We also give a sufficient condition for a function to be an Asplund function in terms of the upper-semicontinuity of the subdifferential map.