Displaying similar documents to “On the optimal continuous decentralized control of non-linear dynamical multivariable systems about the origin.”

Optimal feedback control proportional to the system state can be found for non-causal descriptor systems

Galina Kurina (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Optimal feedback control depending only on the system state is constructed for a control problem by the non-causal descriptor system for which optimal feedback control depending on state derivatives was considered in the paper (Meuller, 1998). To this end, a non-symmetric solution of the algebraic operator Riccati equation is used.

H 2 optimal decoupling of previewed signals in the discrete-time case

Giovanni Marro, Domenico Prattichizzo, Elena Zattoni (2002)



The synthesis of a feedforward unit for H 2 optimal decoupling of measurable or previewed signals in discrete-time linear time-invariant systems is considered. It is shown that an H 2 optimal compensator can be achieved by connecting a finite impulse response (FIR) system and a stable dynamic unit. To derive the FIR system convolution profiles an easily implementable computational scheme based on pseudoinversion (possibly nested to avoid computational constraints) is proposed, while the...