Perturbation theorems for the matrix eigenvalue problem
Elsner, L. (1985-1986)
Portugaliae mathematica
Elsner, L. (1985-1986)
Portugaliae mathematica
Feng Wang, Deshu Sun (2016)
Open Mathematics
Some new bounds for the minimum eigenvalue of M-matrices are obtained. These inequalities improve existing results, and the estimating formulas are easier to calculate since they only depend on the entries of matrices. Finally, some examples are also given to show that the bounds are better than some previous results.
Sadkane, Miloud (2004)
Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]
Ikramov, Kh.D., Nazari, A.M. (2005)
Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI
Adam Czornik, Piotr Jurgas (2006)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
In this paper we show new formulas for the spectral radius and the spectral subradius of a set of matrices. The advantage of our results is that we express the spectral radius of any set of matrices by the spectral radius of a set of symmetric positive definite matrices. In particular, in one of our formulas the spectral radius is expressed by singular eigenvalues of matrices, whereas in the existing results it is expressed by eigenvalues.
R. Bhatia, L. Elsner, G.M. Krause (1997)
Aequationes mathematicae
Khazanov, V.B. (2004)
Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI
Cheng, Guang-Hui, Cheng, Xiao-Yu, Huang, Ting-Zhu, Tam, Tin-Yau (2005)
Applied Mathematics E-Notes [electronic only]
M. Smyth, T. West (1998)
Studia Mathematica
Properties of the minimum diagonal element of a positive matrix are exploited to obtain new bounds on the eigenvalues thus exhibiting a spectral bias along the positive real axis familiar in Perron-Frobenius theory.
Guang-Da Hu, Qiao Zhu (2010)
This paper is concerned with bounds of eigenvalues of a complex matrix. Both lower and upper bounds of modulus of eigenvalues are given by the Stein equation. Furthermore, two sequences are presented which converge to the minimal and the maximal modulus of eigenvalues, respectively. We have to point out that the two sequences are not recommendable for practical use for finding the minimal and the maximal modulus of eigenvalues.
Clive Elphick, Pawel Wocjan (2015)
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
One of the best known results in spectral graph theory is the following lower bound on the chromatic number due to Alan Hoffman, where μ1 and μn are respectively the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix: χ ≥ 1+μ1/−μn. We recently generalised this bound to include all eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix. In this paper, we further generalize these results to include all eigenvalues of the adjacency, Laplacian and signless Laplacian matrices. The various known bounds...