Displaying similar documents to “Duality and the Martin compactification”

A new setting for potential theory. I

Kai Lai Chung, K. Murali Rao (1980)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


We consider a transient Hunt process in which the potential density u satisfies the conditions: (a) for each x , u ( x , y ) - 1 is finite continuous in y ; (b) u ( x , y ) = + iff x = y . In earlier papers Chung established an equilibrium principle, and Rao obtained a Riesz of decomposition for excessive functions. We now begin a deeper study under these conditions, including the uniqueness of the decomposition and Hunt’s hypothesis (B).

Flux in axiomatic potential theory. II. Duality

Bertram Walsh (1969)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


This is a continuation of an earlier paper [Inventiones Math., 8 (1969), 175-221]. It is assumed that a space W and a sheaf H over W are given, such that the pair ( W , H ) satisfies the Brelot axioms and also satisfies, locally, the additional hypotheses of the theory of adjoint sheaves. The following subjects are considered: 1) Extension of the adjoint-sheaf theory to the case where ( W , H ) does not admit a global potential (in particular, the case where W is compact). 2) Construction of a new fine...

Multiplicative functionals of dual processes

Ronald K. Getoor (1971)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


Let X and X ^ be a pair of dual standard Markov processes. We associate to each exact multiplicative function ( M F ) , M of X a unique exact M F , M ^ of X ^ in a natural manner. Any M F , M is assumed to satisfy 0 M t 1 . The map M M ^ is bijective and multiplicative in the sense that: ( M N ) = M ^ N ^ . This correspondence is studied in some detail and several important examples are discussed. These results are then applied to study additive functionals.