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Displaying similar documents to “A necessary condition of local solvability for pseudo-differential equations with double characteristics”

Partial differential operators depending analytically on a parameter

Frank Mantlik (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


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Overstability and resonance

Augustin Fruchard, Reinhard Schäfke (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


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On the closure of spaces of sums of ridge functions and the range of the X -ray transform

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Annales de l'institut Fourier


For a R n { 0 } and Ω an open bounded subset of R n definie L p ( Ω , a ) as the closed subset of L p ( Ω ) consisting of all functions that are constant almost everywhere on almost all lines parallel to a . For a given set of directions a ν R n { 0 } , ν = 1 , ... , m , we study for which Ω it is true that the vector space ( * ) L p ( Ω , a 1 ) + + L p ( Ω , a m ) is a closed subspace of L p ( Ω ) . This problem arizes naturally in the study of image reconstruction from projections (tomography). An essentially equivalent problem is to decide whether a certain matrix-valued differential operator...

Uniform estimates for the Cauchy-Riemann equation on q -convex wedges

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We study the -equation with Hölder estimates in q -convex wedges of n by means of integral formulas. If D n is defined by some inequalities { ρ i 0 } , where the real hypersurfaces { ρ i = 0 } are transversal and any nonzero linear combination with nonnegative coefficients of the Levi form of the ρ i ’s have at least ( q + 1 ) positive eigenvalues, we solve the equation f = g for each continuous ( n , r ) -closed form g in D , n - q r n , with the following estimates: if d denotes the distance to the boundary of D and if d β g is bounded, then...

Polydisc slicing in n

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Studia Mathematica


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The distribution of powers of integers in algebraic number fields

Werner Georg Nowak, Johannes Schoißengeier (2004)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


For an arbitrary (not totally real) number field K of degree 3 , we ask how many perfect powers γ p of algebraic integers γ in K exist, such that μ ( τ ( γ p ) ) X for each embedding τ of K into the complex field. ( X a large real parameter, p 2 a fixed integer, and μ ( z ) = max ( | Re ( z ) | , | Im ( z ) | ) for any complex z .) This quantity is evaluated asymptotically in the form c p , K X n / p + R p , K ( X ) , with sharp estimates for the remainder R p , K ( X ) . The argument uses techniques from lattice point theory along with W. Schmidt’s multivariate extension of K.F. Roth’s result...