Displaying similar documents to “Thin sets in nonlinear potential theory”

A Whitney extension theorem in L p and Besov spaces

Alf Jonsson, Hans Wallin (1978)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


The classical Whitney extension theorem states that every function in Lip ( β , F ) , F R n , F closed, k < β k + 1 , k a non-negative integer, can be extended to a function in Lip ( β , R n ) . Her Lip ( β , F ) stands for the class of functions which on F have continuous partial derivatives up to order k satisfying certain Lipschitz conditions in the supremum norm. We formulate and prove a similar theorem in the L p -norm. The restrictions to R d , d < n , of the Bessel potential spaces in R n and the Besov or generalized Lipschitz...

Some properties of the balayage of measures on a harmonic space

Corneliu Constantinescu (1967)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


On démontre plusieurs théorèmes concernant le balayage des mesures sur un espace harmonique satisfaisant aux axiomes de Bauer, parmi lesquels nous indiquons les suivants : a) la balayée μ A B d’une mesure μ sur la réunion μ A μ B (dans l’espace de Riesz de mesure) ; b) ϵ x A ϵ x caractérise l’effilement de A en x  ; c) il existe un potentiel fini et continue p tel que pour tout ensemble A { x | R ^ p ( x ) < p ( x ) } est exactement l’ensemble des points où A est effilé ; d) μ A est portée par la fermeture fine de A  ; e) si A et B sont...

Triebel-Lizorkin spaces with non-doubling measures

Yongsheng Han, Dachun Yang (2004)

Studia Mathematica


Suppose that μ is a Radon measure on d , which may be non-doubling. The only condition assumed on μ is a growth condition, namely, there is a constant C₀ > 0 such that for all x ∈ supp(μ) and r > 0, μ(B(x,r)) ≤ C₀rⁿ, where 0 < n ≤ d. The authors provide a theory of Triebel-Lizorkin spaces p q s ( μ ) for 1 < p < ∞, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ and |s| < θ, where θ > 0 is a real number which depends on the non-doubling measure μ, C₀, n and d. The method does not use the vector-valued maximal function...

Unique continuation for the solutions of the laplacian plus a drift

Alberto Ruiz, Luis Vega (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


We prove unique continuation for solutions of the inequality | Δ u ( x ) | V ( x ) | u ( x ) | , x Ω a connected set contained in R n and V is in the Morrey spaces F α , p , with p ( n - 2 ) / 2 ( 1 - α ) and α &lt; 1 . These spaces include L q for q ( 3 n - 2 ) / 2 (see [H], [BKRS]). If p = ( n - 2 ) / 2 ( 1 - α ) , the extra assumption of V being small enough is needed.

Mean values and associated measures of δ -subharmonic functions

Neil A. Watson (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let u be a δ -subharmonic function with associated measure μ , and let v be a superharmonic function with associated measure ν , on an open set E . For any closed ball B ( x , r ) , of centre x and radius r , contained in E , let ( u , x , r ) denote the mean value of u over the surface of the ball. We prove that the upper and lower limits as s , t 0 with 0 < s < t of the quotient ( ( u , x , s ) - ( u , x , t ) ) / ( ( v , x , s ) - ( v , x , t ) ) , lie between the upper and lower limits as r 0 + of the quotient μ ( B ( x , r ) ) / ν ( B ( x , r ) ) . This enables us to use some well-known measure-theoretic results to prove new variants...

Regularity properties of commutators and B M O -Triebel-Lizorkin spaces

Abdellah Youssfi (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


In this paper we consider the regularity problem for the commutators ( [ b , R k ] ) 1 k n where b is a locally integrable function and ( R j ) 1 j n are the Riesz transforms in the n -dimensional euclidean space n . More precisely, we prove that these commutators ( [ b , R k ] ) 1 k n are bounded from L p into the Besov space B ˙ p s , p for 1 &lt; p &lt; + and 0 &lt; s &lt; 1 if and only if b is in the B M O -Triebel-Lizorkin space F ˙ s , p . The reduction of our result to the case p = 2 gives in particular that the commutators ( [ b , R k ] ) 1 k n are bounded form L 2 into the Sobolev space H ˙ s if and only if b ...