Displaying similar documents to “R-matrix brackets and their quantization”

Deformation on phase space.

Oscar Arratia, M.ª Angeles Martín Mínguez, María Angeles del Olmo (2002)



El trabajo que presentamos constituye una revisión de varios procedimientos de cuantización basados en un espacio de fases clásico M. Estos métodos consideran a la mecánica cuántica como una "deformación" de la mecánica clásica por medio de la "transformación" del álgebra conmutativa C(M) en una nueva álgebra no conmutativa C(M). Todas estas ideas conducen de modo natural a los grupos cuánticos como deformación (o cuantización en un sentido amplio) de los grupos de Poisson-Lie, lo cual...

A characterization of coboundary Poisson Lie groups and Hopf algebras

Stanisław Zakrzewski (1997)

Banach Center Publications


We show that a Poisson Lie group (G,π) is coboundary if and only if the natural action of G×G on M=G is a Poisson action for an appropriate Poisson structure on M (the structure turns out to be the well known π + ). We analyze the same condition in the context of Hopf algebras. A quantum analogue of the π + structure on SU(N) is described in terms of generators and relations as an example.

Racks and orbits of dressing transformations

A. A. Balinsky (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A new algebraic structure on the orbits of dressing transformations of the quasitriangular Poisson Lie groups is provided. This gives the topological interpretation of the link invariants associated with the Weinstein-Xu classical solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation. Some applications to the three-dimensional topological quantum field theories are discussed.

Poisson boundaries of discrete quantum groups

Reiji Tomatsu (2010)

Banach Center Publications


This is a survey article about a theory of a Poisson boundary associated with a discrete quantum group. The main problem of the theory, that is, the identification problem is explained and solved for some examples.

Poisson Lie groups and their relations to quantum groups

Janusz Grabowski (1995)

Banach Center Publications


The notion of Poisson Lie group (sometimes called Poisson Drinfel'd group) was first introduced by Drinfel'd [1] and studied by Semenov-Tian-Shansky [7] to understand the Hamiltonian structure of the group of dressing transformations of a completely integrable system. The Poisson Lie groups play an important role in the mathematical theories of quantization and in nonlinear integrable equations. The aim of our lecture is to point out the naturality of this notion and to present basic...

Quantization of pencils with a gl-type Poisson center and braided geometry

Dimitri Gurevich, Pavel Saponov (2011)

Banach Center Publications


We consider Poisson pencils, each generated by a linear Poisson-Lie bracket and a quadratic Poisson bracket corresponding to a so-called Reflection Equation Algebra. We show that any bracket from such a Poisson pencil (and consequently, the whole pencil) can be restricted to any generic leaf of the Poisson-Lie bracket. We realize a quantization of these Poisson pencils (restricted or not) in the framework of braided affine geometry. Also, we introduce super-analogs of all these Poisson...