Displaying similar documents to “Precise study of some number fields and Galois actions occurring in conformal field theory”

Galois representations, embedding problems and modular forms.

Teresa Crespo (1997)

Collectanea Mathematica


To an odd irreducible 2-dimensional complex linear representation of the absolute Galois group of the field Q of rational numbers, a modular form of weight 1 is associated (modulo Artin's conjecture on the L-series of the representation in the icosahedral case). In addition, linear liftings of 2-dimensional projective Galois representations are related to solutions of certain Galois embedding problems. In this paper we present some recent results on the existence of liftings of projective...

Maximal unramified extensions of imaginary quadratic number fields of small conductors

Ken Yamamura (1997)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


We determine the structures of the Galois groups Gal ( K u r / K ) of the maximal unramified extensions K u r of imaginary quadratic number fields K of conductors 420 ( 719 under the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis). For all such K , K u r is K , the Hilbert class field of K , the second Hilbert class field of K , or the third Hilbert class field of K . The use of Odlyzko’s discriminant bounds and information on the structure of class groups obtained by using the action of Galois groups on class groups is essential. We...