Displaying similar documents to “On the D * -extension and the Hartogs extension”

Extending holomorphic maps in infinite dimensions

Bui Dac Tac (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Studying the sequential completeness of the space of germs of Banach-valued holomorphic functions at a points of a metric vector space some theorems on extension of holomorphic maps on Riemann domains over topological vector spaces with values in some locally convex analytic spaces are proved. Moreover, the extendability of holomorphic maps with values in complete C-spaces to the envelope of holomorphy for the class of bounded holomorphic functions is also established. These results...

The image of a finely holomorphic map is pluripolar

Armen Edigarian, Said El Marzguioui, Jan Wiegerinck (2010)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We prove that the image of a finely holomorphic map on a fine domain in ℂ is a pluripolar subset of ℂⁿ. We also discuss the relationship between pluripolar hulls and finely holomorphic functions.

A generalization of Radó's theorem

E. M. Chirka (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


If Σ is a compact subset of a domain Ω ⊂ ℂ and the cluster values on ∂Σ of a holomorphic function f in Ω∖Σ, f' ≢ 0, are contained in a compact null-set for the holomorphic Dirichlet class, then f extends holomorphically onto the whole domain Ω.