Displaying similar documents to “Integrable systems and projective images of Kummer surfaces”

Equations defining reducible Kummer surfaces in ℙ⁵

Tomasz Szemberg (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Principally polarized abelian surfaces are the Jacobians of smooth genus 2 curves or of stable genus 2 curves of special type. In [S] we studied equations describing Kummer surfaces in the case of an irreducible principal polarization on the abelian surface. The aim of this note is to give a treatment of the second case. We describe intermediate Kummer surfaces coming from abelian surfaces carrying a product principal polarization. In Proposition 12 we give explicit equations of these...

Curves on a ruled cubic surface.

John Brevik, Francesco Mordasini (2003)

Collectanea Mathematica


For the general ruled cubic surface S (with a double line) in P3 = P3 sub k, k any algebraically closed field, we find necessary conditions for which curves on S can be the specialization of a flat family of curves on smooth cubics. In particular, no smooth curve of degree > 10 on S is such a specialization.