Displaying similar documents to “On the canonical topology of an analytic algebra and of an analytic module”

Relations among analytic functions. I

Edward Bierstone, P. D. Milman (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


Neither real analytic sets nor the images of real or complex analytic mappings are, in general, coherent. Let Φ : X Y be a morphism of real analytic spaces, and let Ψ : 𝒢 be a homomorphism of coherent modules over the induced ring homomorphism Φ * : 𝒪 Y 𝒪 X . We conjecture that, despite the failure of coherence, certain natural discrete invariants of the modules of formal relations a = Ker Ψ ^ a , a X , are upper semi-continuous in the analytic Zariski topology of X . We prove semicontinuity in many cases (e.g. in the algebraic...

Smooth and analytic solutions for analytic linear systems.

F. Acquistapace, F. Broglia, A. Tognoli (1996)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid


We give some approximation theorems in the Whitney topology for a general class of analytic fiber bundles. This leads to a classification theorem which generalizes the classical ones.

The space of bounded analytic functions on a region

Lee A. Rubel, A. L. Shields (1966)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


L’espace des fonctions analytiques bornées sur une région peut être muni de plusieurs topologies différentes. Deux topologies faibles sont étudiées ici. L’une est celle appelée topologie stricte et l’autre la topologie faible étoilée. Le principal outil nouveau est une espèce de balayage ou ramonage.