Displaying similar documents to “Mesh-independence and preconditioning for solving parabolic control problems with mixed control-state constraints”

On regularization methods for the numerical solution of parabolic control problems with pointwise state constraints

Ira Neitzel, Fredi Tröltzsch (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


In this paper we study Lavrentiev-type regularization concepts for linear-quadratic parabolic control problems with pointwise state constraints. In the first part, we apply classical Lavrentiev regularization to a problem with distributed control, whereas in the second part, a Lavrentiev-type regularization method based on the adjoint operator is applied to boundary control problems with state constraints in the whole domain. The analysis for both classes of control problems is investigated...

On regularization methods for the numerical solution of parabolic control problems with pointwise state constraints

Ira Neitzel, Fredi Tröltzsch (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


In this paper we study Lavrentiev-type regularization concepts for linear-quadratic parabolic control problems with pointwise state constraints. In the first part, we apply classical Lavrentiev regularization to a problem with distributed control, whereas in the second part, a Lavrentiev-type regularization method based on the adjoint operator is applied to boundary control problems with state constraints in the whole domain. The analysis for both classes of control problems is investigated...

Mesh-independence and preconditioning for solving parabolic control problems with mixed control-state constraints

Michael Hintermüller, Ian Kopacka, Stefan Volkwein (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


Optimal control problems for the heat equation with pointwise bilateral control-state constraints are considered. A locally superlinearly convergent numerical solution algorithm is proposed and its mesh independence is established. Further, for the efficient numerical solution reduced space and Schur complement based preconditioners are proposed which take into account the active and inactive set structure of the problem. The paper ends by numerical tests illustrating our theoretical...

A minimum effort optimal control problem for elliptic PDEs

Christian Clason, Kazufumi Ito, Karl Kunisch (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


This work is concerned with a class of minimum effort problems for partial differential equations, where the control cost is of L-type. Since this problem is non-differentiable, a regularized functional is introduced that can be minimized by a superlinearly convergent semi-smooth Newton method. Uniqueness and convergence for the solutions to the regularized problem are addressed, and a continuation strategy based on a model function is proposed. Numerical examples for a convection-diffusion...

The SQP method for control constrained optimal control of the Burgers equation

Fredi Tröltzsch, Stefan Volkwein (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


A Lagrange–Newton–SQP method is analyzed for the optimal control of the Burgers equation. Distributed controls are given, which are restricted by pointwise lower and upper bounds. The convergence of the method is proved in appropriate Banach spaces. This proof is based on a weak second-order sufficient optimality condition and the theory of Newton methods for generalized equations in Banach spaces. For the numerical realization a primal-dual active set strategy is applied. Numerical...

A minimum effort optimal control problem for elliptic PDEs

Christian Clason, Kazufumi Ito, Karl Kunisch (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique


This work is concerned with a class of minimum effort problems for partial differential equations, where the control cost is of L-type. Since this problem is non-differentiable, a regularized functional is introduced that can be minimized by a superlinearly convergent semi-smooth Newton method. Uniqueness and convergence for the solutions to the regularized problem are addressed, and a continuation strategy based on a model function is proposed. Numerical examples for a convection-diffusion...