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Displaying similar documents to “Denotational aspects of untyped normalization by evaluation”

Constraints on distributions imposed by properties of linear forms

Denis Belomestny (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics


Let () be independent identically distributed bivariate vectors and , are two linear forms with positive coefficients. We study two problems: under what conditions does the equidistribution of and imply the same property for and , and under what conditions does the independence of and entail independence of and ? Some analytical sufficient conditions...

Computing and proving with pivots

Frédéric Meunier (2013)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle


A simple idea used in many combinatorial algorithms is the idea of . Originally, it comes from the method proposed by Gauss in the 19th century for solving systems of linear equations. This method had been extended in 1947 by Dantzig for the famous simplex algorithm used for solving linear programs. From since, a pivoting algorithm is a method exploring subsets of a ground set and going from one subset to a new one ′ by deleting an element inside and adding an element outside : ′ =  ...

Integers in number systems with positive and negative quadratic Pisot base

Z. Masáková, T. Vávra (2014)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications


We consider numeration systems with base and − , for quadratic Pisot numbers and focus on comparing the combinatorial structure of the sets Z and Z of numbers with integer expansion in base , resp. − . Our main result is the comparison of languages of infinite words and coding the ordering of distances between consecutive - and (− )-integers. It turns out that for a class of roots of − − , the languages coincide, while for other...

Regularity of languages defined by formal series with isolated cut point

Alberto Bertoni, Maria Paola Bianchi, Flavi D’Alessandro (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications


Let  = { ∈  | ()  } be the language recognized by a formal series :  → ℝ with isolated cut point . We provide new conditions that guarantee the regularity of the language in the case that is rational or is a Hadamard quotient of rational series. Moreover the decidability property of such conditions is investigated.

Pointwise constrained radially increasing minimizers in the quasi-scalar calculus of variations

Luís Balsa Bicho, António Ornelas (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


We prove of vector minimizers () =  (||) to multiple integrals ∫ ((), |()|)  on a  ⊂ ℝ, among the Sobolev functions (·) in + (, ℝ), using a  : ℝ×ℝ → [0,∞] with (·) and . Besides such basic hypotheses, (·,·) is assumed to satisfy also...

Closure properties of hyper-minimized automata

Andrzej Szepietowski (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications


Two deterministic finite automata are almost equivalent if they disagree in acceptance only for finitely many inputs. An automaton is hyper-minimized if no automaton with fewer states is almost equivalent to . A regular language is canonical if the minimal automaton accepting is hyper-minimized. The asymptotic state complexity () of a regular language is the number of states of a hyper-minimized automaton for a language finitely different from . In this paper we show...

Easy lambda-terms are not always simple

Alberto Carraro, Antonino Salibra (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


A closed -term is if, for any other closed term , the lambda theory generated by  =  is consistent. Recently, it has been introduced a general technique to prove the easiness of -terms through the semantical notion of simple easiness. Simple easiness implies easiness and allows to prove consistency results construction of suitable filter models of -calculus living in the category of complete partial orderings: given ...

Encoding FIX in Object Calculi

Roy L. Crole (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


We show that the type theory introduced by Crole and Pitts [3] can be encoded in variants of Abadi and Cardelli's object calculi. More precisely, we show that the type theory presented with judgements of both equality and operational reduction can be translated into object calculi, and the translation proved sound. The translations we give can be seen as using object calculi as a metalanguge within which can be represented; an analogy can be drawn with Martin Löf's Theory of Arities...

Equality sets for recursively enumerable languages

Vesa Halava, Tero Harju, Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom, Michel Latteux (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


We consider shifted equality sets of the form , where and are nonerasing morphisms and is a letter. We are interested in the family consisting of the languages , where is a coding and is a shifted equality set. We prove several closure properties for this family. Moreover, we show that every recursively enumerable language is a projection of a shifted equality set, that is, for some (nonerasing) morphisms and and...

Easy lambda-terms are not always simple

Alberto Carraro, Antonino Salibra (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications


A closed -term is if, for any other closed term , the lambda theory generated by  =  is consistent. Recently, it has been introduced a general technique to prove the easiness of -terms through the semantical notion of simple easiness. Simple easiness implies easiness and allows to prove consistency results construction of suitable filter models of -calculus living in the category of complete partial orderings: given a simple easy term and an arbitrary closed term , it is possible to...

Closure properties of hyper-minimized automata

Andrzej Szepietowski (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


Two deterministic finite automata are almost equivalent if they disagree in acceptance only for finitely many inputs. An automaton is hyper-minimized if no automaton with fewer states is almost equivalent to . A regular language is canonical if the minimal automaton accepting is hyper-minimized. The asymptotic state complexity () of a regular language is the number of states of a hyper-minimized automaton...