Ma and lattice partitions
The Katětov ordering of two maximal almost disjoint (MAD) families and is defined as follows: We say that if there is a function such that for every . In [Garcia-Ferreira S., Hrušák M., Ordering MAD families a la Katětov, J. Symbolic Logic 68 (2003), 1337–1353] a MAD family is called -uniform if for every , we have that . We prove that CH implies that for every -uniform MAD family there is a -point of such that the set of all Rudin-Keisler predecessors of is dense in the...
Rational numbers are used to classify maximal almost disjoint (MAD) families of subsets of the integers. Combinatorial characterization of indestructibility of MAD families by the likes of Cohen, Miller and Sacks forcings are presented. Using these it is shown that Sacks indestructible MAD family exists in ZFC and that implies that there is a Cohen indestructible MAD family. It follows that a Cohen indestructible MAD family is in fact indestructible by Sacks and Miller forcings. A connection with...
In his paper in Fund. Math. 178 (2003), Miller presented two conjectures regarding MAD families. The first is that CH implies the existence of a MAD family that is also a σ-set. The second is that under CH, there is a MAD family concentrated on a countable subset. These are proved in the present paper.
We study maximal almost disjoint (MAD) families of functions in that satisfy certain strong combinatorial properties. In particular, we study the notions of strongly and very MAD families of functions. We introduce and study a hierarchy of combinatorial properties lying between strong MADness and very MADness. Proving a conjecture of Brendle, we show that if , then there no very MAD families. We answer a question of Kastermans by constructing a strongly MAD family from = . Next, we study the...
In this paper we consider the point character of metric spaces. This parameter which is a uniform version of dimension, was introduced in the context of uniform spaces in the late seventies by Jan Pelant, Cardinal reflections and point-character of uniformities, Seminar Uniform Spaces (Prague, 1973–1974), Math. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci., Prague, 1975, pp. 149–158. Here we prove for each cardinal , the existence of a metric space of cardinality and point character . Since the point character can...
We consider a combinatorial problem related to guessing the values of a function at various points based on its values at certain other points, often presented by way of a hat-problem metaphor: there are a number of players who will have colored hats placed on their heads, and they wish to guess the colors of their own hats. A visibility relation specifies who can see which hats. This paper focuses on the existence of minimal predictors: strategies guaranteeing at least one player guesses correctly,...
We will characterize-under appropriate axiomatic assumptions-when a linear order is minimal with respect to not being a countable union of scattered suborders. We show that, assuming PFA⁺, the only linear orders which are minimal with respect to not being σ-scattered are either Countryman types or real types. We also outline a plausible approach to demonstrating the relative consistency of: There are no minimal non-σ-scattered linear orders. In the process of establishing these results, we will...
We prove in ZFC that every additive set is additive, thus we solve Problem 20 from paper [Weiss T., A note on the intersection ideal , Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 54 (2013), no. 3, 437-445] in the negative.
We introduce a very weak version of the square principle which may hold even under failure of the generalized continuum hypothesis. Under this weak square principle, we give a new characterization (Theorem 10) of partial orderings with κ-Freese-Nation property (see below for the definition). The characterization is not a ZFC theorem: assuming Chang’s Conjecture for , we can find a counter-example to the characterization (Theorem 12). We then show that, in the model obtained by adding Cohen reals,...
We study a higher-dimensional version of the standard notion of a gap formed by a finite sequence of ideals of the quotient algebra 𝓟(ω)/fin. We examine different types of such objects found in 𝓟(ω)/fin both from the combinatorial and the descriptive set-theoretic side.