Hanf numbers and well-ordering numbers.
In an attempt to extend the property of being supercompact but not HOD-supercompact to a proper class of indestructibly supercompact cardinals, a theorem is discovered about a proper class of indestructibly supercompact cardinals which reveals a surprising incompatibility. However, it is still possible to force to get a model in which the property of being supercompact but not HOD-supercompact holds for the least supercompact cardinal κ₀, κ₀ is indestructibly supercompact, the strongly compact and...
We show that assuming the consistency of a supercompact cardinal with a measurable cardinal above it, it is possible for to be measurable and to carry exactly τ normal measures, where is any regular cardinal. This contrasts with the fact that assuming AD + DC, is measurable and carries exactly three normal measures. Our proof uses the methods of [6], along with a folklore technique and a new method due to James Cummings.
We present a new forcing notion combining diagonal supercompact Prikry forcing with interleaved extender based forcing. We start with a supercompact cardinal κ. In the final model the cofinality of κ is ω, the singular cardinal hypothesis fails at κ, and GCH holds below κ. Moreover we define a scale at κ which has a stationary set of bad points in the ground model.