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Classification of the regular De Morgan algebras of fuzzy sets.

Francesc Esteva, Núria Piera (1984)


A characterization of regular lattices of fuzzy sets and their isomorphisms is given in Part I. A characterization of involutions on regular lattices of fuzzy sets and the isomorphisms of De Morgan algebras of fuzzy sets is given in Part II. Finally all classes of De Morgan algebras of fuzzy sets with respect to isomorphisms are completely described.

Closure rings

Barry J. Gardner, Tim Stokes (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider rings equipped with a closure operation defined in terms of a collection of commuting idempotents, generalising the idea of a topological closure operation defined on a ring of sets. We establish the basic properties of such rings, consider examples and construction methods, and then concentrate on rings which have a closure operation defined in terms of their lattice of central idempotents.

Construction du treillis de Galois d'une relation binaire

A. Guénoche (1990)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Cet article constitue une présentation unifiée des principales méthodes de construction du treillis de Galois d'une correspondance. Nous rappelons d'abord sa définition, puis nous décrivons quatre algorithmes de construction des éléments du treillis qui sont les rectangles maximaux de la relation binaire. Ces algorithmes ne sont pas originaux. Les descriptions précises de algorithmes, le plus souvent absentes des publications originales, permettent une programmation simple, dans un langage procédural...

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