Netted matrices.
Some quadratic forms related to "greatest common divisor matrices" are represented in terms of L²-norms of rather simple functions. Our formula is especially useful when the size of the matrix grows, and we will study the asymptotic behaviour of the smallest and largest eigenvalues. Indeed, a sharp bound in terms of the zeta function is obtained. Our leading example is a hybrid between Hilbert's matrix and Smith's matrix.
MSC 2010: 11B83, 05A19, 33C45This paper is dealing with the Hankel determinants of the special number sequences given in an integral form. We show that these sequences satisfy a generalized convolution property and the Hankel determinants have the generalized Somos-4 property. Here, we recognize well known number sequences such as: the Fibonacci, Catalan, Motzkin and SchrÄoder sequences, like special cases.