From p-rigid elements to valuations (with a Galois-characterization of p-adic fields).
In this report we study the arithmetic of Rikuna’s generic polynomial for the cyclic group of order and obtain a generalized Kummer theory. It is useful under the condition that and where is a primitive -th root of unity and . In particular, this result with implies the classical Kummer theory. We also present a method for calculating not only the conductor but also the Artin symbols of the cyclic extension which is defined by the Rikuna polynomial.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20E18, 12G05, 12F10, 12F99.Given a profinite group Γ acting continuously on a discrete quasi-cyclic group A, certain classes of closed subgroups of Γ (radical, hereditarily radical, Kneser, almost Kneser, and hereditarily Kneser) having natural field theoretic interpretations are defined and investigated. One proves that the hereditarily Kneser subgroups of Γ form a closed subspace of the irreducible spectral space of all closed subgroups of Γ, and a hereditarily...
Soit un corps complet pour une valuation discrète, de corps résiduel . Lorsque est fini, la structure de a été déterminée par C.C. Moore, J.E. Carroll et A.S. Merkurjev. On généralise ici leurs résultats au cas où est parfait de caractéristique positive . Les résultats principaux sont : est -divisible pour assez grand (explicite); le groupe de Milnor est discret, explicitement déterminé ; n’a pas de torsion première à , et sa -torsion est explicitement déterminée. On obtient...