The kernel of the determining endomorphism of a bisimple ...-semigroup. A. Alexander Selden (1977) Semigroup forum
The L M C -compactification of a topologized semigroup Neil Hindman, Paul Milnes (1988) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
The local theory of semigroups in nilpotent Lie groups. K.H. Hofmann, J.D. Lawson (1981) Semigroup forum
The minimal ideals of a multiplicative and additive subsemigroup of ßN. N. Hindman (1985) Semigroup forum
The structure of semitopological monoids defined on compact connected 3-manifolds. W. Ruppert (1980) Semigroup forum
The structure semilattice of a compact U.D.C. semigroup. D.R. Brown, J.W. Stepp (1985) Semigroup forum
The Stucture of Semitopological Monoids on Compact Connected Manifolds. Wolfgang Ruppert (1980) Mathematische Zeitschrift
The theory of characters of commutative Hausdorff bicompact semigroups Štefan Schwarz (1956) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
The topological centre of a compactification of a locally compact group. Anthony To-Ming Lau, John Pym (1995) Mathematische Zeitschrift
The topological structure of planar closed spirals which support clans. J.E. McMorris (1976/1977) Semigroup forum
Topological and Algebraic Copies of N * in N * . Hindman, Neil, Strauss, Dona (1995) The New York Journal of Mathematics [electronic only]