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Completely prime ideals and idempotents in mobs Kar-Ping Shum, Patrick N. Stewart (1976) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Compression Semigroups of Open Orbits on Real Flag Manifolds. J. Hilgert, Karl-Hermann Neeb (1995) Monatshefte für Mathematik
Connected CM-homomorphisms into ℭ [ I ] Kenneth D., Jr. Magill (1973) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Construction of right topological compactifications for discrete versions of subsemigroups of compact groups. D. Helmer, N. Isik (1989) Semigroup forum
Constructions of positive commutative semigroups on the plane. II. Farley, Reuben W. (1985) International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Controllability of systems on a nilpotent Lie group J. Hilgert, K.H. Hofmann, J.D. Lawson (1985) Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie = Contributions to algebra and geometry
Convolution semigroup of measures on compact noncommutative semigroups Štefan Schwarz (1964) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Correction to the paper “On compressed ideals in topological semigroups” Kar-Ping Shum (1976) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal