On compactification lattices of subsemigroups of .
In the first part of the paper, some criteria of continuity of representations of a Polish group in a Banach algebra are given. The second part uses the result of the first part to deduce automatic continuity results of Baire morphisms from Polish groups to locally compact groups or unitary groups. In the final part, the spectrum of an element in the range of a strongly but not norm continuous representation is described.
Let J be an abelian topological semigroup and C a subset of a Banach space X. Let L(X) be the space of bounded linear operators on X and Lip(C) the space of Lipschitz functions ⨍: C → C. We exhibit a large class of semigroups J for which every weakly continuous semigroup homomorphism T: J → L(X) is necessarily strongly continuous. Similar results are obtained for weakly continuous homomorphisms T: J → Lip(C) and for strongly measurable homomorphisms T: J → L(X).
For any topological group the dual object is defined as the set of equivalence classes of irreducible unitary representations of equipped with the Fell topology. If is compact, is discrete. In an earlier paper we proved that is discrete for every metrizable precompact group, i.e. a dense subgroup of a compact metrizable group. We generalize this result to the case when is an almost metrizable precompact group.