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Е.М. Никишин (1980)
Matematiceskij sbornik
Jun-Ichi Tamura (1995)
Acta Arithmetica
P. van der Cruyssen (1981)
Numerische Mathematik
Sergey Khrushchev (2006)
Publicacions Matemàtiques
350 years ago in Spring of 1655 Sir William Brouncker on a request by John Wallis obtained a beautiful continued fraction for 4/π. Brouncker never published his proof. Many sources on the history of Mathematics claim that this proof was lost forever. In this paper we recover the original proof from Wallis' remarks presented in his Arithmetica Infinitorum. We show that Brouncker's and Wallis' formulas can be extended to MacLaurin's sinusoidal spirals via related Euler's products. We derive Ramanujan's...
W.J. Thron, H. Waadeland (1980)
Numerische Mathematik
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Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]
W.J. Thron, Haakon Waadeland (1980)
Mathematica Scandinavica
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Numerische Mathematik
J. Della Dora, C. Di Crescenzo (1984)
Numerische Mathematik
Lisa Lorentzen (1992)
Numerische Mathematik
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Mathematica Scandinavica
Hans-J. Runckel (1976)
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
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Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]
George T. Diderrich (1979)
Aequationes mathematicae
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Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]
Hans-J. Runckel (1976)
Mathematische Zeitschrift
Mkaouar, M. (2001)
Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série
Haakon Waadeland, Lisa Jacobsen (1988)
Numerische Mathematik
Gill, John (1997)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Hemdaoui, M., Amzil, M. (2008)
Journal of Inequalities and Applications [electronic only]
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