A necessary condition for twin boundary layer behavior
In this follow-up on the work of Fefferman-Seco [FS] an improved condition for the discrete eigenvalues of the operator -d2 / dx2 + V(x) is established for V(x) satisfying certain hypotheses. The eigenvalue condition in [FS] establishes eigenvalues of this operator to within a small error. Through an obervation due to C. Fefferman, the order of accuracy can be improved if a certain condition is true. This paper improves on the result obtained in [FS] by showing that this condition does indeed hold....
Small perturbations of an equilibrium plasma satisfy the linearized magnetohydrodynamics equations. These form a mixed elliptic-hyperbolic system that in a straight-field geometry and for a fixed time frequency may be reduced to a single scalar equation div, where may have singularities in the domaind of definition. We study the case when is a half-plane and possesses high Fourier components, analyzing the changes brought about by the singularity . We show that absorptions of energy takes...