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A note on eigenvalues of ordinary differential operators.

Alan Ho (1997)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In this follow-up on the work of Fefferman-Seco [FS] an improved condition for the discrete eigenvalues of the operator -d2 / dx2 + V(x) is established for V(x) satisfying certain hypotheses. The eigenvalue condition in [FS] establishes eigenvalues of this operator to within a small error. Through an obervation due to C. Fefferman, the order of accuracy can be improved if a certain condition is true. This paper improves on the result obtained in [FS] by showing that this condition does indeed hold....

A WKB analysis of the Alfvén spectrum of the linearized magnetohydrodynamics equations

Manuel Núñez, Jesús Rojo (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

Small perturbations of an equilibrium plasma satisfy the linearized magnetohydrodynamics equations. These form a mixed elliptic-hyperbolic system that in a straight-field geometry and for a fixed time frequency may be reduced to a single scalar equation div A 1 Δ u + A 2 u = 0 , where A 1 may have singularities in the domaind U of definition. We study the case when U is a half-plane and u possesses high Fourier components, analyzing the changes brought about by the singularity A 1 = . We show that absorptions of energy takes...

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