Solution of singular and nonsingular initial and boundary value problems by modified variational iteration method.
The linearized stability of stationary solutions for the surface diffusion flow with a triple junction is studied. We derive the second variation of the energy functional under the constraint that the enclosed areas are preserved and show a linearized stability criterion with the help of the -gradient flow structure of the evolution problem and the analysis of eigenvalues of a corresponding differential operator.
We consider a planar stationary flow of an incompressible viscous fluid in a semi-infinite strip governed by the Navier-Stokes system with a feed-back body forces field which depends on the velocity field. Since the presence of this type of non-linear terms is not standard in the fluid mechanics literature, we start by establishing some results about existence and uniqueness of weak solutions. Then, we prove how this fluid can be stopped at a finite distance of the semi-infinite strip entrance by...
In the present paper we seek the bounce trajectories in a convex set which assume assigned positions in two fixed time instants. We find sufficient conditions in order to obtain the existence of infinitely many bounce trajectories.